Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DAY 24 - Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven Is Near! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/discipler123

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:http://bishopsilas.blogspot.com/2011_03_01_archive.html

Today's Reading: Matthew 3

Please read Matthew 3 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - My Life Is in You Lord

Please click the links below to Matthew 3:

Jesus said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 4: 17

What Jesus told me today is the importance of the first thing He and John the Baptist said:

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!

As a musician I know that the most important note in a concert is the first note in the beginning of a concert. If we start with an out of tune note or a bad quality note in the beginning of a concert, then the whole concert might be ruined by just that.

If both John the Baptist and Jesus started with the same "note" in the beginning of their ministries, then this "note" must be very important to them and to each one of us. This should be a key of our self examination and a key of our message to others.

What does "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" means to you today?

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to know that we have things to repent for because we are human beings and far from the standard of the kingdom of heaven. Come Holy Spirit come, fill us that we are being anointed, strengthened and empowered by you that we can be in the kingdom of heaven every day and be able to deliver this message to the others. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Nothing But The Blood

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

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