Saturday, March 12, 2011

DAY 7- (English Podcast)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since I have a dreamt about the end of the world, I am no longer fear about dying. The dreamt I had was so reality. I am now in a peaceful and joyful way to spend my life. Although I am living alone, but always feel that God is with me all the time.
Thanks Silas to guide me for the daily devotion.


  由今天開始(2025年1月1日)我會用二年時間每天為您預備一個新的博客及錄影 " 親親爸父,祈禱聆聽" 。鼓勵大家每天仍然使用 "親親爸父"的一年讀完全本新舊約聖經的讀經表,每天藉唱詩歌頌,祈禱聆聽去親親爸父。 2025年每天主要重點在...