Friday, May 31, 2019

DAY 151 (2019) - Jesus discipled Nicodemus, Nicodemus discipled Joseph of Arimathea (Please click here for English podcast)


1.   Put on your “brakes” and stop for a moment of silence
2.   Wait for God. Breathe deep for God's peace and feel His presence. Exhale your worries.

Praise and Thanksgiving

1.   Think through your day, all the times that made you smile
2.   Thank God for all those moments, and for all those people

Confession and Repentance (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method

1.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine on you that you are able to discover your sins and be willing to repent:

     “Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

2.  Through the Holy Spirit, examine yourself for a short silence and then pray:

     "Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sin to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gift to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."

The Word, Time with Abba (Psalm 124:1-5; 2 Samuel 17:1-29; John 19:23-42, Proverbs 16:12-13)

Bible link:English(NIV):

Today's main passage: 
 38 Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders. With Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. 39 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds.40 Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs. 41 At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. 42 Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.
John 19:38-42

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him.

My Listening
Everybody knows what happened to Nicodemus after his seeing Jesus in John 3 about that born again message and then he became Jesus disciple.

What we do not know is that according to today's John 19:39, Joseph of Arimathea was accompanied by Nicodemus to persuade Pilate to give the body of Jesus to them. And, the empty tomb was actually Joseph's tomb!

John 3:1 describes Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish ruling council and so was Joseph!

This leads me to think of a series of happening concerning with Discipler and Mentor/Coach as in today's topic:
Jesus discipled Nicodemus, Nicodemus discipled Joseph of Arimathea

I think Nicodemus brought Joseph to Jesus and then Joseph became one of Jesus disciples and then Nicodemus was the one discipled him.

It is so wonderful!

Who is your Nicodemus, your Discipler, your Mentor/Coach? Did he or she brought you to meet with Jesus and that you become Jesus' true disciple?

Who is you Nicodemus? Have you got a new inspiration concerning with Discipler and Mentor/Coach, understanding that the relationship between a teacher and his disciple can be just like Nicodemus and Joseph to have such kind of deep impact!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to receive a new inspiration on Discipler and Mentor/Coach and be willing to learn from Nicodemus model to disciple our Joseph of Arimathea to extend your mighty Kingdom In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Reflect on these questions:
1. What kind of inspiration have you got today concerning with discipler and mentor/coach?
2.  How could you follow Nicodemus' model to disciple your Joseph of Arimathea to extend God's mighty Kingdom?

Family Corner:
Find an opportunity to share with your family about today's message 

Praise and Thanksgiving
Let's give thanks for God with us. Let us praise Him:
10,000 Reasons

To know, learn and practice this method of Time with Abba, please click this link:

Please click this link if you have an Android Cel to listen to the most recent ten podcasts:
Time with Abba, Depression Out:

Break.Build: 破.立 Break.Build:

To purchase my new book "MicroMacro Discipline" please click these links below:
Click here for paperback
Click here for Kindle 

第151天(2019 年) - 耶穌是尼哥底母的師傅,尼哥底母是亞利馬太人約瑟的師傅 (請按此處收聼廣東話 )

1.  停下來. 靜一靜
2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 感受主的臨在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩

知罪,認罪,悔改 (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法)

1. 求聖靈光照,使你知罪,願意認罪悔改 
     "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

親親爸父, 聆聽主話(詩篇 124:1-5; 撒母耳記下 17:1-29; 約翰福音 19:23-42; 箴言 16:12-13)



38 這 些 事 以 後 , 有 亞 利 馬 太 人 約 瑟 , 是 耶 穌 的 門 徒 , 只 因 怕 猶 太 人 , 就 暗 暗 的 作 門 徒 。 他 來 求 彼 拉 多 , 要 把 耶 穌 的 身 體 領 去 。 彼 拉 多 允 准 , 他 就 把 耶 穌 的 身 體 領 去 了 。
39 又 有 尼 哥 底 母 , 就 是 先 前 夜 裡 去 見 耶 穌 的 , 帶 著 沒 藥 和 沉 香 約 有 一 百 斤 前 來 。
40 他 們 就 照 猶 太 人 殯 葬 的 規 矩 , 把 耶 穌 的 身 體 用 細 麻 布 加 上 香 料 裹 好 了 。
41 在 耶 穌 釘 十 字 架 的 地 方 有 一 個 園 子 , 園 子 裡 有 一 座 新 墳 墓 , 是 從 來 沒 有 葬 過 人 的 。
42 只 因 是 猶 太 人 的 預 備 日 , 又 因 那 墳 墓 近 , 他 們 就 把 耶 穌 安 放 在 那 裡 。
                                                                                                     約翰福音 19:38-42


今日的英文NIV 版聖經使我忽然驚覺原來有位份和有膽量去與彼拉多交涉,結果彼拉多讓他去領耶穌的屍體的亞利馬太人約瑟是有尼哥底母陪同的! NIV版這様譯 "He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night". 還有,根據硏究,那安葬耶穌的新墳墓是屬於亞利馬太人約瑟的。

約翰福音三章記載尼哥底母是猶太人最高權力的官府(NIV- Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council; John 3:1)而亞利馬太人約瑟也是其中一個官!





你是誰的尼哥底母? 你今天有沒有一個對栽培師及友師新的啓發,明白原來師徒關係的影響可以有如尼哥底母及亞利馬太人約瑟那様,影響深遠!


1. 今日的信息給您怎様一個對栽培師及友師新的啓發?
2. 怎様


讓我們為神同在感恩讚美主: 10,000 Reasons

*如果這是你的第一次靈修又或者你有一段長時間未有靈修,我提議你先用以下的 "破.立40日靈修"才開始使用這 "親親爸父, 抑鬱消失"每日靈修: 

    破. 立 40日每天靈修:

**如果你想有我陪伴你每日讀一章聖經, 三年零三個月讀完新舊約聖經可到"Devotion on Fire":


購買我的新書 "微宏門訓"請到以下網址:
Click here for paperback
Click here for Kindle

     Please click this link if you have an Android Cel to listen to the most recent ten podcasts:
     Time with Abba, Depression Out:

Thursday, May 30, 2019

DAY 150 (2019) - Who is the Lord your eyes lift up to each day? Your Cel.? (Please click here for English podcast)


1.   Put on your “brakes” and stop for a moment of silence
2.   Wait for God. Breathe deep for God's peace and feel His presence. Exhale your worries.

Praise and Thanksgiving

1.   Think through your day, all the times that made you smile
2.   Thank God for all those moments, and for all those people

Confession and Repentance (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method

1.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine on you that you are able to discover your sins and be willing to repent:

     “Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

2.  Through the Holy Spirit, examine yourself for a short silence and then pray:

     "Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sin to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gift to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."

The Word, Time with Abba (Psalm 123:1-4; 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22, Proverbs 16:10-11)

Bible link:English(NIV):

Today's main passages: 
 I lift up my eyes to you,
    to you who sit enthroned in heaven.
As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master,
    as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes look to the Lord our God,
    till he shows us his mercy.    Psalm 123:1-2

20 Absalom said to Ahithophel, “Give us your advice. What should we do?”
21 Ahithophel answered, “Sleep with your father’s concubines whom he left to take care of the palace. Then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself obnoxious to your father, and the hands of everyone with you will be more resolute.” 22 So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and he slept with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel.
23 Now in those days the advice Ahithophel gave was like that of one who inquires of God. That was how both David and Absalom regarded all of Ahithophel’s advice.   2 Samuel 15:1-6

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him.

My Listening
Today's Psalm reminds me of a very important relationship. A relationship whether we lift up our eyes to our Lord? Or, we lift up our eyes to other lord?

The most striking moment this morning is when I read 2 Samuel 16:23 and aware the first time that both David and Absalom regarded the advice of Ahithophel as God's advice!

Oh! Since when did David not using Nathan as his mentor and advisor? His eyes turned to Ahithophel, and Ahitophel turned his eyes away from God and David stepped into sins deeper and deeper until he could not get out. Until Nathan appeared and turned David's eyes back to God!

When I think of this I think of a general phenomenon everywhere that I see people are holding their cel. phone, everybody looking downward on their Cel. almost all time, it is really very serious!

Many Christians use their Cel. for work or entertainment usually more than four hours a day. Those who are addicted to games may be more than eight hours a day. But, lots of them do not have even ten minutes to have daily devotion, is it so sad? Could our Cel. is somewhat like Ahithophel leading us to look down upon our Cel. and not look up on God each day?

May we pray that TWA(Time with Abba) and PCS(Pastoral Care School) will be our Nathan to lead us just as what David said in 2 Samuel 16:20 "restore to me his covenant blessing", that we have ample time with our Lord to have our eyes lift up to Him, to worship Him, listen to Him and to follow Him!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to follow our Nathan and not Ahithophel, that we have ample time with you to have our eyes lift up to you, to worship you, listen to you and to follow you In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Reflect on these questions:
1. What kind of warning have you got from today's message ?
2.  How do you change your focus of your eyes to Jesus each day and not your cel. phone?

Family Corner:
Find an opportunity to share with your family about today's message 

Praise and Thanksgiving
Let's give thanks for God with us. Let us praise Him:
10,000 Reasons

To know, learn and practice this method of Time with Abba, please click this link:

Please click this link if you have an Android Cel to listen to the most recent ten podcasts:
Time with Abba, Depression Out:

Break.Build: 破.立 Break.Build:

To purchase my new book "MicroMacro Discipline" please click these links below:
Click here for paperback
Click here for Kindle 


  今日博客的錄影:   Nicky Gumbel  牧師今日靈修博客: