Saturday, April 30, 2011

DAY 57 - (English Podcast click here)

DAY 57 - Don't Spend Too Much on Your Outside! (Cantonese Podcast click here)

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009:

Today's Reading: Mark 7

Please read Mark 7 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Come to Jesus

Please click this link to read Mark 7:
"Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.' Mark 6: 31 - 32

What I received from Jesus today is very powerful: Don't spend too much on your outside!

We spend so much time and money of our outside look. Do I look good, does my car looks good, does my house look good, does my degree looks good... But, Jesus says today that we need to spend most of our time and money on letting Him to make us look good and really be good inside.

As you can see in the pictures above that my son Ignatius was sharing to Rick Warren how the Lord used Rick's sermon in my consecration on September 9, 2009 as one of the three signs for Him to go to Regent College and prepare himself to be an Anglican priest. I was asking Rick the same question I asked many leading leaders like John Stott, Reggie McNeal, Richard Peace, Terry Walling, John Drane and many more: What is the percentage of Christians having daily devotion? All of them including Rick Warren said, "It's less than 10%." Then next session a day later he told all participants, "If you do not have daily devotion for one day, you'll know the difference. If you do not have daily devotion for two days, your wife would know. If you do not have daily devotion for one week your whole church knows for the anointing would be away from you!" Wow, is that so?!

Don't spend much time on your outside but on the inside for as Eric Liddell(Chariots of Fire) says, "Do you know where does the power comes from? The power comes from within!"

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to spend more time on our inside. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Breathe

The sermon "The power is from within" by Rev. Eric Liddell(Chariots of Fire)

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:
  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Friday, April 29, 2011

DAY 56 - (English Podcast click here)

DAY 56 - Jesus' Secret of Not Burning Out (Cantonese Podcast click here)

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 6

Please read Mark 6 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Still

Please click this link to read Mark 6:

Jesus said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

Mark 6: 31 - 32

What I received from Jesus today is his secret of not burning out.

Burn out is so common to many people especially to leaders. We work, and work and work just like a rubber band and then it breaks! The symptoms are usually tired, purposeless, easy to angry, blaming others fault, guilty of our own fault, not able to sleep, discouraged, dissatisfied...I can have more but I think that's enough and you should know it. How can we prevent that?

Jesus says it loud and clear:

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

You know what that means but many Christians are unable or unwilling to do.

Well, the most important point I receive in this chapter about why they tended to burn out. It was because they were sent by Jesus to do His ministry and they were all so joyful to report to Jesus what they had experienced but they didn't know that they need to rest.

Spiritual burn-out is not a bad thing because usually it followed some spirit-filled ministries. The point is after those wonderful ministries to serve the Lord do you know how to be with Jesus to a quiet place and get some rest with Him? That is the question!

Let's use me as an example, I should be more busy after I was consecrated as a bishop almost two years ago. But you know what happened, Jesus led me to step into a "supporting net" that I need to have at least two hours of rest in His Word to finish my two blogs and two podcasts. Without these two hours daily, I think I would be stepping into a "trap" set up by the Deceiver to be more and more filled with anger, discouragements, dissatisfaction, burn out and quit! Thank you Lord for leading me to experience your secret of not burning out!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to know that we need to come to you when you call us to rest so that we will not burn out. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Breathe

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

DAY 55 - (English Podcast click here)

DAY 55 - Your Faith Has Healed You! (Cantonese Podcast click here)

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 5

Please read Mark 5 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - The Heart of Worship

Please click this link to read Mark 5:

What I received from Jesus today is: Your faith has healed you!

I am still in Florida with Ignatius at the Exponential Conference. Last night Michelle told me, "Why when Jesus already told us that I am not going to die, still we are sometimes so scared?" It's because a week ago her Doctor in VGH told us that her blood and kidney have some problem but that might be the pills that she has been taking. So, the doctor told her to cut down from 1 1/2 capsule to one capsule a day. We were quite scared about that. Though, the complete report is yet to come out in two weeks time but we are not scared now because Jesus keeps on repeating His promise to us.

What is your fear that make you unable to sleep sometimes? Do you believe that your faith brings you healing? Well, not necessary in our way but in His way and we need to prepare for His will be done!

Dear Lord Jesus,

Help us to remove all our fear to be sure that you will heal us, take care of us and love us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

DAY 54 - (English Podcast click here)

DAY 54 - It Is Not Easy to Turn(Cantonese Podcast click here)

I have a very important sharing in my original blog today about how God called me to become an Anglican priest in 1982 to link up with the message today in 1 Chronicles 17. You really have to go to this blog and share my powerful experience from Jesus in this hotel room in Florida today!!! or

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.
You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 4

Please read Mark 4 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Open The Eyes of My Heart

Please click this link to read Mark 4:
Jesus told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that,
"they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'" Mark 4: 11-12

What I received from Jesus today is it is not easy to turn around from where you are heading to where Jesus is if you are away from him.

Yes, indeed it is right before you if you are heading on Jesus direction is the harvest of the actualization and living out of the parable of the growing seed, the mustard seed and experiencing how Jesus calms the storms in your life.

But, without turning, a U-turn, a left-turn, a the way heading where Jesus is and be with Jesus everyday you have no hope to experience that. Only Jesus can open your eyes to see and understand that you are blind and unable to hear spiritually You can hear many wonderful and powerful things of those missionaries, leaders, your relatives and friends telling you they experienced that but you would never have that. You keep on asking why not me and that is the answer. If you are those who are already in Christ and with Christ daily then you need to be a discipler to help people to walk the path you have been walked.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to turn back to you and help others to turn back to you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Turn Your Eyes to Jesus

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:
  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

DAY 53 - (English podcast click here)

DAY 53 - To Be with Jesus That You Can Be Sent Out(Cantonese Podcast click here)

I have a very important sharing in my original blog today about how God called me to become an Anglican priest in 1982 to link up with the message today in 1 Chronicles 17. You really have to go to this blog and share my powerful experience from Jesus in this hotel room in Florida today!!! or

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.
You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 3

Please read Mark 3 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - The Potter's Hand

Please click this link to read Mark 3:

Jesus appointed twelve - designating them apostles - that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. Mark 3: 14-15

What I received from Jesus today is that He was setting an example of how we can do the same thing as he did to raise up apostles for Him. In church tradition, apostles are the bishops but in general and Biblical terms, the term may have more meanings. As in the meaning of the Greek word "apostello" means "to order one to go to an appointed place" or "to send". In this chapter we have a more clear meaning of what apostles are and how much we need more apostles.

1. Personally appointed by Jesus Christ our Lord.

2. Need to be always with Jesus.

3. Willing to be sent out by Jesus to preach and have authority to drive out demons. In John Stott's 'term', it means to bring transformation that one can become an example of Christlikeness.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to become apostles for you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Worthy Is The Lamb

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Monday, April 25, 2011

DAY 52 - (English podcast click here)

DAY 52 - How Is Your Supporting System?

Last year our family wanted to join the 1st tulip tour of our church to Washington but one day before the tour Michelle was diagnosed to have leukemia and the day they had the tour Michelle was in hospital. We were so joyful that we could join the tour last Saturday. We would like to share our joy and our thanksgiving to the Lord to give us a beautiful day and a wonderful fellowship time with more than 50 brothers and sisters! And Michelle had a powerful testimony of how the Lord brought her through the crisis of leukemia last year in the coach while we were on the way to Seattle. Praise the Lord!

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 2

Please read Mark 2 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Open the eyes of my heart

Please click this link to read Mark 2:

Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. Mark 2: 3-4

What I received from Jesus are two questions: How is your supporting system? How much are you willing to be one of the four people doing that 'wierd' thing for your friend's healing?

There is always a big gap for Christians between loving God and loving other people. We cannot just talk the talk and not walk the walk. You need to try all your best to support other people's need and you also need to be in a good supporting system too.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be willing to love others as ourselves. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Shine Jesus Shine

I am going to put up the link to an important and paradigm changing talk of Bishop Chuck Murphy, our Chairman bishop, in our first Regional Conference at Richmond Emmanuel Church last October for you to watch hoping and praying that you will become a generous servant of God and that you will be transformed from a "Two-Kingdom Bondage to One-Kingdom Freedom"(Chapter 2 in Part 1 of Gary's book The Sower). You can not serve God and money. Jesus is Lord!

Bishop Chuck Murphy teaching on Theology of Stewardship (This link will stay until Easter Sunday)

1. Why Bishop Chuck Murphy avoided Tithing

2. When I Write the Check, it Stings

3. Tithing

4. In the Garden of Eden

5. A new willing heart is needed

6. Stewardship insights on Abraham

7. Joseph's Dreamcoat Stewardship

8. Jesus' Kingdom insights on stewardship

9. Stewardship insights on Joseph & Moses

10. Stewardship through Jesus' Parables

11. Prayer on getting out of the boat financially

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

DAY 51 - (English Podcast click here)

DAY 51 - Follow Me

Last year our family wanted to join the 1st tulip tour of our church to Washington but one day before the tour Michelle was diagnosed to have leukemia and the day they had the tour, Michelle was in hospital. Today we were so joyful that we could join the tour. We would like to share our joy and our thanksgiving to the Lord to give us a beautiful day and a wonderful fellowship time with more than 50 brothers and sisters! And Michelle had a powerful testimony of how the Lord brought her through the crisis of leukemia last year in the coach while we were on the way to Seattle. Praise the Lord!

Please click the title above for the audio podcast "Discipler 123" Cantonese Version.

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:

You may choose to follow my first blog which I started in July 2009. The easiest way to go to my first blog is to type my name "Silas Ng" and have a google search. It will be on top of the list and the name of the blog is "Devotion on Fire". The site of this blog is:

Today's Reading: Mark 1

Please read Mark 1 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - I Will Follow Him

Please click this link to read Mark 1:

Jesus gave us the best coaching model and the best leadership development strategy which the world has ever had. How close are you following Jesus that you have learned what he wants you to and live it out?

In a coach model there are four steps:

1. I do, you watch

2. I do, you help

3. You do, I help

4. You do, I watch

Then, you become the coach and repeat this steps:

1. You do, other watch

2. You do, other help


If you think you are following Jesus, where are you now?

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be able to follow you so that we can coach others to follow you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - I Will Run to You

I am going to put up the link to an important and paradigm changing talk of Bishop Chuck Murphy, our Chairman bishop, in our first Regional Conference at Richmond Emmanuel Church last October for you to watch hoping and praying that you will become a generous servant of God and that you will be transformed from a "Two-Kingdom Bondage to One-Kingdom Freedom"(Chapter 2 in Part 1 of Gary's book The Sower). You can not serve God and money. Jesus is Lord!

Bishop Chuck Murphy teaching on Theology of Stewardship (This link will stay until Easter Sunday)

1. Why Bishop Chuck Murphy avoided Tithing

2. When I Write the Check, it Stings

3. Tithing

4. In the Garden of Eden

5. A new willing heart is needed

6. Stewardship insights on Abraham

7. Joseph's Dreamcoat Stewardship

8. Jesus' Kingdom insights on stewardship

9. Stewardship insights on Joseph & Moses

10. Stewardship through Jesus' Parables

11. Prayer on getting out of the boat financially

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage those who join our Disciplers 123 to have a place to start their daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus. There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:

  1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.

  2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters) to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.

  3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!


  今日博客的錄影: Nicky Gumbel  牧師今日靈修博客: