Tuesday, October 31, 2023








Nicky Gumbel 牧師今日靈修博客:

Nicky Gumbel 牧師每日靈修博客上載連結:


1.  停下來. 靜一靜

2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 享受神同在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩

知罪,認罪,悔改 (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法  https://bishopsilas.blogspot.com/2009/08/count-down-5-subject-shifting-devotion.html

1. 求聖靈光照,使你知罪,願意認罪悔改 
     "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

3.  司徒德牧師每天早上的 "活像基督"祈禱 John Stott's daily prayer of Christlikeness (Christopher J.H. Wright, Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2017, 13)



    聖靈,求你在今天充滿我,使你的果子能彰顯在我的生命中: 仁愛,喜樂,和平,忍耐,恩慈,良善,信實,温柔及節制。"

親親爸父, 唱詩歌頌
今日親親親爸父經文連結: http://api.pastoralcareschool.org/twa/

親親爸父經文:(詩篇 119:73-80; 耶利米哀歌 4:1-5:22; 希伯來書 2:1-18;   箴言 26:23)

 你 的 手 製 造 我 , 建 立 我 ; 求 你 賜 我 悟 性 , 可 以 學 習 你 的 命 令 !

敬 畏 你 的 人 見 我 就 要 歡 喜 , 因 我 仰 望 你 的 話 。

詩篇 119:73-74


     今日我從主耶穌領受主題是:  你如何能人見人愛!




 1. 今日的信息對你有何啓發?  主耶穌現在對你説甚麽話?

 2. 下一步是什麼行動?


Anglican Mission Global Society:

Archbishop Melter’s 1st Connecting Workshop video, September 5, 2023: https://youtu.be/0lL8xNrgJb8

Archbishop Melter’s 2nd Connecting Workshop video, September 12 2023:  https://youtu.be/SM39qX0Q5XM

Archbishop Yong’s MISSION 113 videos, October 16, 2022:



楊平忠大主教得救見証 Archbishop Yong's born again testimony

上集 1st part: https://youtu.be/eogu1rMpvTQ

      下集 2nd part: https://youtu.be/BhyUU1ov1RM

How can you be loved by all?



Please click this link for the video version:

Nicky Gumbel's Bible in one year today:

Bible in one year by Nicky Gumbel:


1.   Put on your “brakes” and stop for a moment of silence
2.   Wait for God. Breathe deep for God's peace and feel His presence. Exhale your worries.

Praise and Thanksgiving

1.   Think through your day, all the times that made you smile
2.   Thank God for all those moments, and for all those people
3.   Sing a song to praise God (you are welcome to use "Father, I adore you" which I have been singing every morning for the past 20 years or your own choice to praise God)

          Father, I adore You, lay my life before You, how I love You.
          Jesus, I adore You, lay my life before You, how I love You.
          Spirit, I adore You, lay my life before You, how I love You.

Confession and Repentance (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method) 

1.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine on you that you are able to discover your sins and be willing to repent:

     “Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God and having Jesus as my Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

2.  Through the Holy Spirit, examine yourself for a short silence and then pray:

     "Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sins to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gifts to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."

3.  John Stott's daily prayer of Christlikeness (Christopher J.H. Wright, Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2017, 13)

(Please click this link to see how God used John Stott to change my life:https://bishopsilas.blogspot.com/2009/07/

           "Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.

             Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.

             Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

The Word, Time with Abba (Psalm 119:73-80, Lamentations 4:1-5:22; Hebrews 2:1-18; Proverbs 26:23)

    Today's key passage: 

      Your hands made me and formed me;
    give me understanding to learn your commands.
      May those who fear you rejoice when they see me,
    for I have put my hope in your word.

Psalm 119:73-74

     Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage we have just read. Offer this time to Jesus as you listen to him.    

    My Listening
    The topic I received today from Jesus isHow can you be loved by all?

    Lots of people want to be someone loved by all, but most of the time they just cannot do that and they are being discouraged!

    What I received today from Jesus is that the purpose of our life according to God's will is that we can be loved by all. If we always remember it is God who formed us and gives us understanding to listen and obey to His command, and that we are willing to be close to Him each morning so that He can guide us and bless us each day, then those who fear God will rejoice when they see us because they know we are God's servants, and we really can be loved by all! 

      Dear Lord Jesus,
     Help us to remember each day that it is you who formed us and gives us understanding to listen and obey to Your command so that we can be loved by all people to glorify your mighty name. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Reflect on these questions:
     1. What inspiration have you received from today's catch and what have you heard from Jesus now?
      2.  What is your next step to be more closer to Jesus, to be holy - that is to do what Jesus wants you to do and not to do what Jesus wants you not to do?
      Family Corner:
     Find an opportunity to share with your family the importance of today's message. 

     To know, learn and practice the method of Time with Abba, please click this link:http://twa.pastoralcareschool.org/

        Anglican Mission Global Society:

Archbishop Melter’s 1st Connecting Workshop video, September 5, 2023: https://youtu.be/0lL8xNrgJb8

Archbishop Melter’s 2nd Connecting Workshop video, September 12 2023:  https://youtu.be/SM39qX0Q5XM

Archbishop Yong’s MISSION 113 videos, October 16, 2022:



Archbishop Yong's born again testimony

1st part: https://youtu.be/eogu1rMpvTQ

2nd part: https://youtu.be/BhyUU1ov1RM

Monday, October 30, 2023





早禱: https://youtu.be/77KuZIFIuxg?si=9Kcfu4fObytauVkI

午禱: https://youtu.be/U-8W-K_PwsA?si=ar_zdbji6qzYk8gf                                         

Nicky Gumbel 牧師今日靈修博客:

Nicky Gumbel 牧師每日靈修博客上載連結:


1.  停下來. 靜一靜

2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 享受神同在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩

知罪,認罪,悔改 (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法  https://bishopsilas.blogspot.com/2009/08/count-down-5-subject-shifting-devotion.html

1. 求聖靈光照,使你知罪,願意認罪悔改 
     "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

3.  司徒德牧師每天早上的 "活像基督"祈禱 John Stott's daily prayer of Christlikeness (Christopher J.H. Wright, Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2017, 13)



    聖靈,求你在今天充滿我,使你的果子能彰顯在我的生命中: 仁愛,喜樂,和平,忍耐,恩慈,良善,信實,温柔及節制。"

親親爸父, 唱詩歌頌
今日親親親爸父經文連結: http://api.pastoralcareschool.org/twa/

親親爸父經文:(詩篇 119:65-72; 耶利米哀歌 2:20-3:66; 希伯來書 1:1-14;   箴言 26:21-22)

 我 們 不 致 消 滅 , 是 出 於 耶 和 華 諸 般 的 慈 愛 ; 是 因 他 的 憐 憫 不 致 斷 絕 。

23 每 早 晨 , 這 都 是 新 的 ; 你 的 誠 實 極 其 廣 大 !

24 我 心 裡 說 : 耶 和 華 是 我 的 分 , 因 此 , 我 要 仰 望 他 。

25 凡 等 候 耶 和 華 , 心 裡 尋 求 他 的 , 耶 和 華 必 施 恩 給 他 。

26 人 仰 望 耶 和 華 , 靜 默 等 候 他 的 救 恩 , 這 原 是 好 的 。

27 人 在 幼 年 負 軛 , 這 原 是 好 的 。

耶利米哀歌 3:22-27


     今日我從主耶穌領受主題是:  每早晨主都有新的禮物給你!






    1. 要親近主: 因為主是給禮物我們的,如果我們每天早晨不去到他面前,如何從送禮物的主之手上收到他的禮物呢?

    2. 要拆禮物: 這相等於我們每天需要打開聖經,從讀主的話,聽到主的聲音中,得到主的良言及指引,茅塞頓開,有新的希望,新的方向!


 1. 今日的信息對你有何啓發?  主耶穌現在對你説甚麽話?

 2. 下一步是什麼行動?


Anglican Mission Global Society:

Archbishop Melter’s 1st Connecting Workshop video, September 5, 2023: https://youtu.be/0lL8xNrgJb8

Archbishop Melter’s 2nd Connecting Workshop video, September 12 2023:  https://youtu.be/SM39qX0Q5XM

Archbishop Yong’s MISSION 113 videos, October 16, 2022:



楊平忠大主教得救見証 Archbishop Yong's born again testimony

上集 1st part: https://youtu.be/eogu1rMpvTQ

      下集 2nd part: https://youtu.be/BhyUU1ov1RM


  由今天開始(2025年1月1日)我會用二年時間每天為您預備一個新的博客及錄影 " 親親爸父,祈禱聆聽" 。鼓勵大家每天仍然使用 "親親爸父"的一年讀完全本新舊約聖經的讀經表,每天藉唱詩歌頌,祈禱聆聽去親親爸父。 2025年每天主要重點在...