1. 停下來. 靜一靜
2. 等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 感受主的臨在, 呼出你的憂慮
1. 思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2. 為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3. 敞開心懷讚美主
我 將 耶 和 華 常 擺 在 我 面 前 , 因 他 在 我 右 邊 , 我 便 不 致 搖 動 。
因 此 , 我 的 心 歡 喜 , 我 的 靈 快 樂 ; 我 的 肉 身 也 要 安 然 居 住 。
因 此 , 我 的 心 歡 喜 , 我 的 靈 快 樂 ; 我 的 肉 身 也 要 安 然 居 住 。
詩篇 16:8-9
1. 求聖靈在你生命中工作
"親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔,
求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"
2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:
聆聽主話 (撒母耳記下 3:1-4:12)
Chinese (Union): https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=撒 母 耳 記 下 3&version=CUV
31 大 衛 吩 咐 約 押 和 跟 隨 他 的 眾 人 說 : 你 們 當 撕 裂 衣 服 , 腰 束 麻 布 , 在 押 尼 珥 棺 前 哀 哭 。 大 衛 王 也 跟 在 棺 後 。
32 他 們 將 押 尼 珥 葬 在 希 伯 崙 。 王 在 押 尼 珥 的 墓 旁 放 聲 而 哭 , 眾 民 也 都 哭 了 。
33 王 為 押 尼 珥 舉 哀 , 說 : 押 尼 珥 何 竟 像 愚 頑 人 死 呢 ?
34 你 手 未 曾 捆 綁 , 腳 未 曾 鎖 住 。 你 死 , 如 人 死 在 罪 孽 之 輩 手 下 一 樣 。 於 是 眾 民 又 為 押 尼 珥 哀 哭 。
35 日 頭 未 落 的 時 候 , 眾 民 來 勸 大 衛 吃 飯 , 但 大 衛 起 誓 說 : 我 若 在 日 頭 未 落 以 前 吃 飯 , 或 吃 別 物 , 願 神 重 重 地 降 罰 與 我 !
36 眾 民 知 道 了 就 都 喜 悅 。 凡 王 所 行 的 , 眾 民 無 不 喜 悅 。
37 那 日 , 以 色 列 眾 民 才 知 道 殺 尼 珥 的 兒 子 押 尼 珥 並 非 出 於 王 意 。
撒母耳記下 3:31-37
現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:
Please read today's two chapters from 2 Samuel 3:1 to 4:12 first and not just 3:31-37. If you really read these two chapters, you would find that it is a very dirty and wicked story of human sins through power struggles. So many people died!
But, David was not involved! How can that be?
讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導:
But, David was not involved! How can that be?
讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導:
The deaths of people such as Abner and Ish-bosheth are extremely convenient for David, but he can claim to have had nothing to do with bringing them about and to have honoured the victims and/or brought the killers to justice. He is the man after God's heart, the man God chose. God makes things work out for David through the wrongdoing of the people around him.
John Goldingay. 1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011, p.124.
Human's sins lead human restless and hopeless. The consequence is to kill each others for money, power and sex. It's all there in today's two chapters!
What can you do to get away from this kind of darkness and wickedness?
Follow David's model to be the one after God's heart! To be close to God each day, follow Him, listen to Him and obey His commands. Then, even you are surrounded by those sinful and wicked people, God will have His own way to lift you out of that darkness and to raise you up to be His powerful, anointed and blessed disciple.
Do you believe that can happen? Are you willing to follow David's example?
Human's sins lead human restless and hopeless. The consequence is to kill each others for money, power and sex. It's all there in today's two chapters!
What can you do to get away from this kind of darkness and wickedness?
Follow David's model to be the one after God's heart! To be close to God each day, follow Him, listen to Him and obey His commands. Then, even you are surrounded by those sinful and wicked people, God will have His own way to lift you out of that darkness and to raise you up to be His powerful, anointed and blessed disciple.
Do you believe that can happen? Are you willing to follow David's example?
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be willing to follow David's model to be the one after your heart so that we can be your faithful disciples. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
1. What do you think of today's sinful and wicked stories?
2. Do you think you might have a chance to be caught up into similar sinful and wicked culture? How can you get away from that?
3. What have you got from Jesus today?