Sunday, January 10, 2016

OT 第 418天 - 有沒有任何方法止息神的忿怒 (請按此處收聼廣東話 )

1.  停下來. 靜一靜
2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 感受主的臨在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3.  敞開心懷讚美主

      你 們 要 讚 美 耶 和 華 ! 我 的 心 哪 , 你 要 讚 美 耶 和 華 !
       我 一 生 要 讚 美 耶 和 華 ! 我 還 活 的 時 候 要 歌 頌 我 的 神 !
            詩篇 146:1-2
認罪悔改  (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法

1.  求聖靈在你生命中工作
      "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

聆聽主話 (撒母耳記上 3:10-18)

10 耶 和 華 又 來 站 著 , 像 前 三 次 呼 喚 說 : 撒 母 耳 啊 ! 撒 母 耳 啊 ! 撒 母 耳 回 答 說 : 請 說 , 僕 人 敬 聽 !
11 耶 和 華 對 撒 母 耳 說 : 我 在 以 色 列 中 必 行 一 件 事 , 叫 聽 見 的 人 都 必 耳 鳴 。
12 我 指 著 以 利 家 所 說 的 話 , 到 了 時 候 , 我 必 始 終 應 驗 在 以 利 身 上 。
13 我 曾 告 訴 他 必 永 遠 降 罰 與 他 的 家 , 因 他 知 道 兒 子 作 孽 , 自 招 咒 詛 , 卻 不 禁 止 他 們 。
14 所 以 我 向 以 利 家 起 誓 說 : 以 利 家 的 罪 孽 , 雖 獻 祭 奉 禮 物 , 永 不 能 得 贖 去 。
15 撒 母 耳 睡 到 天 亮 , 就 開 了 耶 和 華 的 殿 門 , 不 敢 將 默 示 告 訴 以 利 。
16 以 利 呼 喚 撒 母 耳 說 : 我 兒 撒 母 耳 啊 ! 撒 母 耳 回 答 說 : 我 在 這 裡 !
17 以 利 說 : 耶 和 華 對 你 說 甚 麼 , 你 不 要 向 我 隱 瞞 ; 你 若 將 神 對 你 所 說 的 隱 瞞 一 句 , 願 他 重 重 地 降 罰 與 你 。
18 撒 母 耳 就 把 一 切 話 都 告 訴 了 以 利 , 並 沒 有 隱 瞞 。 以 利 說 : 這 是 出 於 耶 和 華 , 願 他 憑 自 己 的 意 旨 而 行 。
                           撒母耳記上 3:10-18

現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:

            If some people did something really wrong, like those people in Sodom and Gomorrah, do you think God's wrath could be averted? Yes, that's the message in Jonah, the city of Nineveh. It depends on how we changed after received God's warning.

        Eli did not repent and he did not disciplined his two sons after Samuel used his prophetic gift to warn his master, Eli. Actually according to verse 13 God warned Eli already but he did not listen. God severely punished Eli and his two sons. Eli, his two sons and his daughter-in-law, all four of them died! Please read 1 Samuel 4:17-22!

     讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導: 
          There would be things that could avert God's wrath, things such as the sons' changing their ways or Eli's disciplining them, but the Old Testament knows that in the absence of people changing their ways, sacrifices and offerings can't do that. Eli can submit to God's declaration with courage, and he does so, a little like Achan in Joshua 7, but it is too late to change the waywardness that makes God's action necessary.
      So God turns Samuel from a bus boy in the sanctuary into someone through whom God speaks to Israel. There is nothing about Samuel that makes this happen. The master just decides that this is the servant he intends to use in this connection. 

John Goldingay. 1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011, p.33.

           Actually if you were under God's wrath, you would most probably not know because you would be blind and there would not be people like Samuel or Elijah have courage to tell you even they got prophetic gifts. So, if you are those people who received prophetic gift you need to have courage to exercise that. And if you are those people who receive prophetic messages that you do not want to listen or change, you ought to be very careful. Why? Because if those messages are from God and you do not listen, you might suffer similar consequence as Eli did! Actually I saw a few scary examples that those persons really died! I am not exaggerating. They really died!

        Scary! Yes, God's wrath is really scary! Remember that God is both righteous and merciful. No one is indispensable. God used Samuel instead of Eli because Eli did not listen and obey! God will not use you if you are like Eli, not listen and obey!

     Do not under estimate what I tell you today! 

        Help us to submit to you totally so that we won't follow Eli's foolish example to be under your wrath.   奉主耶穌基督名求, 阿們。

    1. Do you think God's wrath can be really like that as he did to Eli and his two sons? Do you think God would do that to you if you really like what Eli did, not listen, obey, repent and change?

2. What was the last time you received God's warning from God Himself or some people? Have you changed? Are you in God's wrath or God's presence and peace?

3. What have you got from Jesus today?



    Yesterday's photo of our daily 8a.m. to 9a.m. Copying Bible session, 40 brothers and sisters participated

Today's photos of our daily 9a.m. to 9:30a.m. Prayer Meeting and Soaking Prayer from 9:30a.m. to 10:30a.m.

   10,000 Reasons

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