Monday, June 19, 2017

第 172天 (2017 年) - 找緊最後機會, 亞哈避過毀滅 (請按此處收聼廣東話 )

1.  停下來. 靜一靜
2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 感受主的臨在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩

認罪悔改  (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法)

1.  求聖靈在你生命中工作
      "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求你幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

親親爸父, 聆聽主話(詩篇 135:15-21; 箴言 17:16; 列王紀上 20:1-21:29;使徒行傳 12:24-13:15)
聖經網頁: Chinese (Union):列 王 紀 下+13&version=CUV

Please read all four passages first before reading my sharing.

To know, learn and practice this method of Time with Abba, please click this link:

Please see below the passages I copied today:

               The assignment from the Lord to me today is  "Grasped his last chance, Ahab escaped destruction".

          I have been stuck to write and record this blog/podcast for exactly one month. The reason is that I suddenly aware that for the past seven years since I started my blog in July 2009 I was giving "fast food" to people! Ten minutes of daily devotion is not enough for you to have a quality and intimate time with the Lord!

               So, I start with this blog/podcast to invite you to read all the four passages. The best is to follow the way of Time with Abba, to copy all verses from Psalm and Proverbs, then read all verses of the Old and New Testament passages and copy those few verses that touch your heart and soul.

                  A month ago when we were reading how King Saul missed his last chance after God spoke and warned him, and he died. Same situation happened to King Solomon as record in 1 Kings 11:9-13. God gave him the last chance warning but he did not repent! Then, God sent King Edom and King Aram to attack him, also Solomon's own servant Jeroboam attacked him and took ten tribes from Solomon to establish the nation Israel.

                  In today's passage, after many years, King Ahab is even worse than King Solomon. Almost same situation happened to King Ahab that God declared destruction to Ahab, but Ahab grasped his last chance, repented, did a humble fasting and praying and God gave him a second chance!

                   In today's Acts passage we can see the power of fasting is not only a way to plead for God's mercy and forgiveness as how King Ahab did. It is also a way to receive a new direction from the Holy Spirit as Barnabas, Saul, John Mark and disciples in the church at Antioch were fasting and praying. It is recorded in today's passage Acts 13:2 that the Holy Spirit gave them a new call to send Barnabas and Saul together to start a new mission, Paul's first missionary journey!

                   How often do you fast? When was the last time God gives you a second chance? How do you know if that is your last chance? Actually, you'll never know if that is your last chance!

                     So, rise up, worship God and not worship idols any more!
      Dear Lord Jesus,
      Help us not to miss those opportunities to return to you and not departing from you. Lead us to worship you each day and not worshipping our idols. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

     1. How can the tragedy of Saul, Solomon and Ahab gives you a warning to worship and follow Jesus wholeheartedly?

2. How can you not miss God's last chance and help those who God prepares for you not to miss their last chance?  

     3. What have you got from Jesus today?


     10,000 Reasons

四十天的"破. 立"靈修:

如果你有 Android cel. 請按此處上載程式,可直接一按收聽最近之十次廣播:

     Today is our  DAY 172 in 2017 non stop Morning Prayer Monday through Friday 6:00am to 7:30am Thursday night 8pm to 9:30pm, Saturday 8am to 9:45am, Sunday 7:00am to 8:25am

The offering of our First Fruit every morning have changed lots of things: unity, lifestyle, character …and many more!

Please find pictures of our 6am Time with Abba and communion last Friday:



  由今天開始(2025年1月1日)我會用二年時間每天為您預備一個新的博客及錄影 " 親親爸父,祈禱聆聽" 。鼓勵大家每天仍然使用 "親親爸父"的一年讀完全本新舊約聖經的讀經表,每天藉唱詩歌頌,祈禱聆聽去親親爸父。 2025年每天主要重點在...