1. Put on your “brakes” and stop for a moment of silence
2. Wait for God. Breathe deep for God's peace and feel His presence. Exhale your worries.
Praise and Thanksgiving
1. Think through your day, all the times that made you smile
2. Thank God for all those moments, and for all those people
"Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sin to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gift to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."
The Word, Time with Abba (Psalm 132:1-5; 1 Kings 9:1-10:29; Acts 8:14-40, Proverbs 17:2-3)
Bible link:English(NIV):https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+2&version=NIV
Today's main passage:
Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Praise and Thanksgiving
Break.Build: 破.立 Break.Build:
Confession and Repentance (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method http://bishopsilas.blogspot.ca/2009/08/count-down-5-subject-shifting-devotion.html)
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine on you that you are able to discover your sins and be willing to repent:
“Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
“Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
2. Through the Holy Spirit, examine yourself for a short silence and then pray:
"Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sin to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gift to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."
The Word, Time with Abba (Psalm 132:1-5; 1 Kings 9:1-10:29; Acts 8:14-40, Proverbs 17:2-3)
Bible link:English(NIV):https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+2&version=NIV
Today's main passage:
26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28 and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”
31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:26-31
30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.
31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:26-31
My Listening
Acts 8:26-31 gives us a very practical way of leading people to Jesus:
1. Receive the direction of an angel sent by God to some place
This angel can be a real angel sent by God, sometime we name that as we are being moved by God's direction. Or, it can be someone you know but actually it is God's work to make that happen. The problem is whether we believe that or not, are we willing to take action like Philip to go to the desert where no one should be there!
2. Receive a more clear and precise direction from the Holy Spirit
You listen and obey to God's angel no matter it is a person or a sign or other, then the Holy Spirit will give you the next and more concrete step.
I remember similar things happened three weeks ago that one of our people brought a couple to our Sunday 11am service. I had these steps:
1. Prayed for them before they went in the Sanctuary
2. Prayed for them after the service when they stepped out of the Sanctuary
3. Invited them to repent and receive Jesus as their Saviour and Lord and they did.
4. Invited them to Saturday 5pm Alpha course and they did for the past two weeks and they have experienced God in a very, very powerful way the past three weeks. Before they came to our church three weeks ago, they worshipped all kinds of idols and never received Jesus before!
I think this is a kind of similar experience as Philip. The key is that how can you receive more clearly and easily the prompt from the Holy Spirit because of your more and more intimate relationship with Jesus. And, your determination to take action to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit!
1. Receive the direction of an angel sent by God to some place
This angel can be a real angel sent by God, sometime we name that as we are being moved by God's direction. Or, it can be someone you know but actually it is God's work to make that happen. The problem is whether we believe that or not, are we willing to take action like Philip to go to the desert where no one should be there!
2. Receive a more clear and precise direction from the Holy Spirit
You listen and obey to God's angel no matter it is a person or a sign or other, then the Holy Spirit will give you the next and more concrete step.
I remember similar things happened three weeks ago that one of our people brought a couple to our Sunday 11am service. I had these steps:
1. Prayed for them before they went in the Sanctuary
2. Prayed for them after the service when they stepped out of the Sanctuary
3. Invited them to repent and receive Jesus as their Saviour and Lord and they did.
4. Invited them to Saturday 5pm Alpha course and they did for the past two weeks and they have experienced God in a very, very powerful way the past three weeks. Before they came to our church three weeks ago, they worshipped all kinds of idols and never received Jesus before!
I think this is a kind of similar experience as Philip. The key is that how can you receive more clearly and easily the prompt from the Holy Spirit because of your more and more intimate relationship with Jesus. And, your determination to take action to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to respond to the call from the Holy Spirit to lead more people to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Reflect on these questions:
1. What kind of strategy have you received from Jesus today?
2. What is your action to make that happen more often?
Family Corner:
Find an opportunity to share with your family about today's wonderful way to evangelize people. Praise and Thanksgiving
Let's give thanks for God with us. Let us praise Him:
10,000 Reasons
To know, learn and practice this method of Time with Abba, please click this link: http://api.pastoralcareschool.org/twa/
Please click this link if you have an Android Cel to listen to the most recent ten podcasts:
Time with Abba, Depression Out:
Break.Build: 破.立 Break.Build:
To purchase my new book "MicroMacro Discipline" please click these links below:
To purchase my new book "MicroMacro Discipline" please click these links below:
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Since January 1, 2016 Richmond Emmanuel Church has non stop Morning Prayer Monday through Friday 6:00am to 7:30am, Saturday 8am to 9:45am, Sunday 7:00am to 8:25am
The offering of our First Fruit every morning have changed lots of things: unity, lifestyle, character …and many more!
Since January 1, 2016 Richmond Emmanuel Church has non stop Morning Prayer Monday through Friday 6:00am to 7:30am, Saturday 8am to 9:45am, Sunday 7:00am to 8:25am
The offering of our First Fruit every morning have changed lots of things: unity, lifestyle, character …and many more!
Please find wonderful pictures of our TWA at Richmond Emmanuel Church:
Ram horns sounding daily to welcome the presence of our might God and to open our souls to prepare receiving His message:
Three generations TWA worship:
Daily communion after TWA:
Parents praying with their daughter: (Rev. Ignatius Ng, Anna Ng and Zoe Glory Ng)
Mom's TWA:
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