Monday, December 26, 2011

DAY 297 - Prospered Materially but Not Spiritually! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

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Today's Reading: Genesis 36

Please read Genesis 36 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method:Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Joy to The World

For unto Us A Child Is Born(Messiah)

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Messiah- Soprano Solo: Mrs. Esther Siu)

Chinese praise song - 歡欣 Give Thanks

Please click this link to read Genesis 36

Esau took his wives from the women of Canaan: Adah daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Oholibamah daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite.

Genesis 36: 2

What I received from Jesus today is: Prospered materially but not spiritually!

Do you want to prosper materially and have lots of possessions like what Esau had as describes in this chapter? Well, who do not want to prosper materially. But, watch out, we can never follow Esau's way to prosper materially but not spiritually. Esau seems not interested in spiritual things like he didn't mind to sell his birthright(Gen. 25:34), He married two Hittite that upset Isaac and Rebekah(Gen. 26: 34-35, 36: 2). The nation he founded, Edom defied God and experienced frequent judgment.

Today is Boxing Day, I do hope that those gifts you cherish are more spiritual then material. Because material gifts and things will someday perish but spiritual gifts and things will flourish forever!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to cherish more spiritual gifts and things then material one. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Create in Me A Clean Heart


Chinese praise song - 陶造我生命 Mold My Life

Pray for our retired primates who are giving us spiritual oversight and our chairman bishop:
The Most Rev. Emmanuel Kolini (Freda)

The Most Rev. Moses Tay (Cynthia)

The Most Rev. Yong Ping Chung (Julia)

The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, III (Margaret)

The sermon "The power is from within" by Rev. Eric Liddell(Chariots of Fire)

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  今日博客的錄影:  安靜 1.  停下來. 靜一靜 2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 享受神同在, 呼出你的憂慮 讚美及感恩 1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻 2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩 知罪,認罪,悔改   (Subjective Shifting Devot...