Sunday, April 8, 2012

DAY 1 - Wake Up! Stop Dreaming! The Time Has Come! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Today's Reading: Mark 1: 1-8

**For a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to read Mark 1: 1-8

Bible Study
Happy Easter!
Today we start a new series on the Gospel of Mark, the first of the four gospels, dated around A.D. 55-65. Both Matthew and Luke used Mark in some form as a major source for writing their Gospels. John Mark, who had the unique opportunity of ministering with three New Testament apostles namely Paul, Barnabas and Peter, was responsible for its writing.

In the 60s of the first century A.D., Christians in Rome were treated cruelly by the general public, and many were tortured and killed by the Roman Emperor Nero. Peter was executed in 64 A.D. and Paul was executed in 67A.D.. It was at this most critical and challenging time that John Mark was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about Jesus' life to strengthen and encourage the faith of Christians in Rome.

The first chapter starts with the preparation for Jesus' ministry by the coming of John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus to come. It's a loud voice for all the people crying out, "Wake up! Stop dreaming! The time has come!" There are four points for us to understand more about John the Baptist:
1. His message: Repent! (v. 4)
2. His job: Baptizing (v. 5)
3. His lifestyle: Simple (v. 6)
4. His mission: Prepare the way for Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit (vv. 7-8)

Click this link, listen to the music from the Movie "Mission" and listen to what Jesus would like to tell you:

My Spiritual Journal
What I heard from Jesus today is: Wake up! Stop dreaming! The time has come!

What I received from is like what the alarm sounded and you suddenly wakes up remembering that you have a very important thing to do that day and can't be late. Many years ago my phone rang at 7:20a.m., a loud voice from Simon Cheung(one of our member of our church) yelled out, "Are you still in bed, now is 8:20a.m., wake up!" I nearly fainted out! Because our first service is always 8:30a.m.! I've made two major mistakes:
1. The battery of the alarm went out!
2. That day was the first day to change Winter time and it was not 7:20a.m. but 8:20a.m.!

The voice of John the Baptist was somewhat like that. People were sleeping, dreaming, but the time had come and they did not know!

Here are three challenges:
1. How are you asleep today?
2. What might it take to wake you up?
3. Are you willing to let Jesus to work through you to do similar work as John the Baptist preparing way for Jesus?
3. What have you learned and heard from Jesus today?

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to wake up and be willing to become a John the Baptist preparing way for you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Here I Am Lord

Chinese praise song - 請差遣我 Here I Am Lord, Send Me

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