Tuesday, April 3, 2012

DAY 396 - Extremely Careful to Do God's work! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Six days to the exciting new version of Discipler123!

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link for the 9th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (from February 6 to May 16, 2012).

Today's Reading: Numbers 18

**For a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - Awesome God

Please click this link to read Numbers 18

Bible Study
1. Extremely careful to do exactly what God requires

The Lord said to Aaron, "You, your sons and your father's family are to bear the responsibility for offenses against the sanctuary, and you and your sons alone are to bear the responsibility for offenses against the priesthood." Numbers 18: 1

The priests and Levites were held responsible for any violation of what God told them to do. Aaron two sons died because of this. This is also a lesson for us to learn that we need to be extremely careful to do exactly what God requires!

2. Your tithing goes to your home church

"I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the Tent of Meeting."
Numbers 18: 21

God determined that the priests and Levites be supported through the people's offerings (vv. 8-24). Tithing is being stated very clearly as a "must" to give to the priests and Levites. In today's term, your tithing should goes to your home church. In an essay "Tithes and Offerings" on page 1256 of the FIREBIBLE Student Edition I bought at the Bookstore of Fuller Theological Seminary two years ago, it states, "The tithe should not go to an outside organization. If you have the means and desire to contribute to other ministries, you can do so through freewill offerings beyond the tithe. If all Christians did their part in supporting their local church with the tithe, our churches would not lack anything they needed to accomplish God's purposes in their communities and in their outreach efforts."

3. God's promise as Provider is lasting and unchangeable

"Whatever is set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the Lord I give to you and your sons and daughters as your regular share. It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord for both you and your offspring." Numbers 18: 19

Salt represents preservation and permanence, stating that God's promise as Provider to the priests and Levis is lasting and unchangeable.

Let me have two questions for you to start your listen and obey process:
1. How careful have you been doing God's work?

2. Do you tithe? If not, what is the reason for you not to offer your one tenth of your income to the Lord? If you tithe, do you know your tithing should go to your home church?

3. Do you know God promise you that His will be your Provider and you do not need to worry about money if you follow His lead? If you are or are being called to be a pastor, have you worried about money?

Click this link, listen to the music from the Movie "Mission" and listen to what Jesus would like to tell you:

My Spiritual Journal
What I heard from Jesus today is: Extremely careful to do God's work!

What I got today from Jesus is that we really need to be extremely careful to do God work. Lots of time we are careless, say we are late for worship, we do not use God's gifts to serve Him, we do not tithe, we make 110% of effort to our full time job but may be only 20% to God's ministries!

And, if you are extremely careful to do God's work just as those priests and Levis then you will experience God's promise as that "everlasting covenant of salt" that He will provide with everything you need. Listen carefully, God will provide you with everything you need, not everything you want! Don't be greedy!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be extremely careful to do your work. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - Open The Eyes of My Heart Lord

Chinese praise song - 因著信 Because of Faith

Prayer items today:


Bishop: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng (Michelle)

Network Leader: Rev. Peter Klenner (Jenny)

Network Leadership Team: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng, Rev. Peter Klenner, Rev. Ed Hird (Janice), Rev. Simon Neill (Jo), Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya), Mr. Andy Li (Amy)

Bishop's Chaplain: Rev. Ed Hird (Janice)

Bishop's Assistant: Mrs. Michelle Ng (Silas)

Clergy Formation Advisor: Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya)

Treasurer: Mr. Andy Li(Amy)

Administrator: Mrs. Zenia Cheng (Clarence)

Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, III (Margaret)

The Rt. Rev. Sandy Greene (Gigi)

Pray for one ACiC/AI church one day at a time:

St. Timothy’s, North Vancouver

Rector/Senior Pastor: Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya)

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