Wednesday, December 5, 2012

DAY 240 - What Will Your Lifelong Journey Be? (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Today's Reading: Matthew 24: 1-14

**For a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.
Please click this link to read Matthew 24: 1-14

Bible Study

     Today we come to a critical passage after Jesus telling his disciples and us who the bad guys are through the seven "woe". His disciples were still thinking of the glory that was to come when Jesus, the Messiah, took complete authority and reestablish God's true glory. So, it is normal for them to think of the glorious temple signifying the true glory of God. Well, that was how God did things in the Old Testament time. Now, because of the stiff neck and rebellious people, the temple has been replaced by Jesus body. He died so that we can live! The temple needs to be thrown down, in order that Jesus can take the place of the glorious temple as the true glory!

     So, Jesus told his disciples they needed not to know about those end time things because they would never understand. What they need to know is what their lifelong journey would look like. Wow! That's a big deal! Because Jesus told them that their lifelong journey would be like the process of having a baby and when they approached their most painful moment would be the time of the birth pangs and the baby would be born!

     N.T. Wright gives us a deeper understanding of this birth pangs theory by imagining what the doctor saying to a pregnant woman:
     Yes, the first few months were sometimes difficult.  People often felt sick, especially in the morning.  There were some dangers during that time but it was normally under control.  Then there would come a period of quite  dramatic changes, as the new little life inside the womb made its presence felt.  One would need to take care, especially with diet and with strenuous activities.  Then at last, as the day grew nearer, there would be all sorts of things to the baby.  And the birth itself: well, that was something else again.  But our task in the meantime was to take care, be patient, and not be alarmed by some of the strange things that were going to happen.

     What Jesus wants to tell everyone is that our lifelong journey as compare to the process of having a baby will be:
1. Watch out and don't be deceived by all kinds of possible danger. Don't be alarmed. Take it easy.
2. Be ready for the pain. 
3. Don't grow cold and become discouraged when situation getting worse. Many women have a long time of bed rest in order to safe the baby including my wife Michelle when she was having our younger son Athanasius. We nearly thought we would lose him!
4. Always think on the good side, say good things thinking that the baby would come anytime especially when we come to the most painful time. From what I heard, birth pangs is the most painful experience a human being suffer(not counting with those cruel execution method used by evil people), but is the only pain that each one of them are glad to accept.

     So, that will be our lifelong journey, do you agree? Are you prepared?

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"

Spiritual Journal

     What I heard from Jesus today is: What will your lifelong journey be?

     What I got from Jesus today is a very critical and important message to prepare our lifelong journey being a disciple of Him.

     If we become bad guys then we would do all those things to cause Jesus disciples to suffer and at the same time destroying His Kingdom ministry. If we are Jesus faithful disciples then we have to be prepare that our lifelong journey will be:
1. Being deceived
    Lots of people will come to deceive you, spreading rumors, lording you and pull out your peace that you are alarmed, uncomfortable, cannot sleep and live in fear.

2. Being hated, betrayed, persecuted and killed
    Be prepared that these things will happen to you. Do not think that you can be the lucky one to escape that kind of suffering for Jesus.

3. Do not grow cold and being discouraged
    When those things happen, you need to know it is God's time to make it happen. Never grow cold and say to yourself, "Enough! I can't stand anymore. I'll quit! I don't care anymore!" Don't say that and don't even think about that!

4. Always preach the Good News at all time
    Be able to preach the Good News at all time and be a good example to bring light and hope to those who would be worse than you are. Think good things, say good words and be with Jesus all the time because Jesus is the Good News, the Gospel. Without His daily presence with you, you have no Good News to preach! 

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be prepare our lifelong journey with you just like expecting our own baby to be born. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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The Potter's Hand

Chinese praise song - 陶造我生命 Mold My Life

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