如果你有 Android cel. 請按此處上載程式,可直接一按收聽最近之十次廣播:
破.立 Break.Build:
1. 停下來. 靜一靜
2. 等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安. 呼出你的憂慮
1. 思想你上星期使你開心歡笑的時刻
2. 為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3. 敞開心懷讚美主
神 啊 , 自 我 年 幼 時 , 你 就 教 訓 我 ; 直 到 如 今 , 我 傳 揚 你 奇 妙 的 作 為 。
神 啊 , 我 到 年 老 髮 白 的 時 候 , 求 你 不 要 離 棄 我 ! 等 我 將 你 的 能 力 指 示 下 代 , 將 你 的 大 能 指 示 後 世 的 人 。
1. 求聖靈在你生命中工作
"親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔,
求主幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"
2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:
聆聽主話 (民數記 20:1-13)
Chinese (Union):
2 會 眾 沒 有 水 喝 , 就 聚 集 攻 擊 摩 西 、 亞 倫 。
3 百 姓 向 摩 西 爭 鬧 說 : 我 們 的 弟 兄 曾 死 在 耶 和 華 面 前 , 我 們 恨 不 得 與 他 們 同 死 。
4 你 們 為 何 把 耶 和 華 的 會 眾 領 到 這 曠 野 、 使 我 們 和 牲 畜 都 死 在 這 裡 呢 ?
5 你 們 為 何 逼 著 我 們 出 埃 及 、 領 我 們 到 這 壞 地 方 呢 ? 這 地 方 不 好 撒 種 , 也 沒 有 無 花 果 樹 、 葡 萄 樹 、 石 榴 樹 , 又 沒 有 水 喝 。
6 摩 西 、 亞 倫 離 開 會 眾 , 到 會 幕 門 口 , 俯 伏 在 地 ; 耶 和 華 的 榮 光 向 他 們 顯 現 。
7 耶 和 華 曉 諭 摩 西 說 :
8 你 拿 著 杖 去 , 和 你 的 哥 哥 亞 倫 招 聚 會 眾 , 在 他 們 眼 前 吩 咐 磐 石 發 出 水 來 , 水 就 從 磐 石 流 出 , 給 會 眾 和 他 們 的 牲 畜 喝 。
9 於 是 摩 西 照 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 的 , 從 耶 和 華 面 前 取 了 杖 去 。
10 摩 西 、 亞 倫 就 招 聚 會 眾 到 磐 石 前 。 摩 西 說 : 你 們 這 些 背 叛 的 人 聽 我 說 : 我 為 你 們 使 水 從 這 磐 石 中 流 出 來 麼 ?
11 摩 西 舉 手 , 用 杖 擊 打 磐 石 兩 下 , 就 有 許 多 水 流 出 來 , 會 眾 和 他 們 的 牲 畜 都 喝 了 。
12 耶 和 華 對 摩 西 、 亞 倫 說 : 因 為 你 們 不 信 我 , 不 在 以 色 列 人 眼 前 尊 我 為 聖 , 所 以 你 們 必 不 得 領 這 會 眾 進 我 所 賜 給 他 們 的 地 去 。
13 這 水 名 叫 米 利 巴 水 , 是 因 以 色 列 人 向 耶 和 華 爭 鬧 , 耶 和 華 就 在 他 們 面 前 顯 為 聖 。 ( 米 利 巴 就 是 爭 鬧 的 意 思 )
民數記 20:2-13
現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可能以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:
Today we see how Moses made his only mistake which caused his not being able to enter into the Promised Land. How can we avoid that kind of mistake?
讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導:
Again there is no water, and again the community is in a state of panic not just about themselves but about their animals. Again they look back to Egypt with rose-tinted spectacles…Again God tells them what to do and declares that there will be miraculous provision. Again they do it, and there is.
Yet everything goes wrong. They make their one mistake. How did they fail to trust God and make God holy in the eyes of the Israelites? God instructed them to tell the crag to produce water. What they did was upbraid the pople as rebels, and Moses twice hit the crag with his staff. There is some contrast with the story in Exodus 17 where God have Moses instructions and Moses simply "did so," did as God said. It doesn't seem huge contrast, but God sees it as implying a double failure here, of upbraiding the people and striking the rock…
When God accuses them of failure of trust, it likely means they are trusting in themselves to solve the problem, and it would link with Moses' taking forceful action, hitting the rock rather than merely addressing it. In turn it would imply failing to make God holy, to recognize and honour God's god-ness.
John Goldingay. Numbers & Deuteronomy for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p.49-50.
Yet everything goes wrong. They make their one mistake. How did they fail to trust God and make God holy in the eyes of the Israelites? God instructed them to tell the crag to produce water. What they did was upbraid the pople as rebels, and Moses twice hit the crag with his staff. There is some contrast with the story in Exodus 17 where God have Moses instructions and Moses simply "did so," did as God said. It doesn't seem huge contrast, but God sees it as implying a double failure here, of upbraiding the people and striking the rock…
When God accuses them of failure of trust, it likely means they are trusting in themselves to solve the problem, and it would link with Moses' taking forceful action, hitting the rock rather than merely addressing it. In turn it would imply failing to make God holy, to recognize and honour God's god-ness.
Can you believe that? Not listen and obey to do what God command turns out to be Moses only mistake but his fatal mistake which causes his not being able to enter into the Promised Land.
Do you know why Moses did that? Well, may be because of his anger, pride ,uncontrolled emotions or lack of faith. Anyway, to hit the rock for water to come out was what Moses experienced before. But, to tell the rock for water to come out seems impossible and Moses did not do it.
If God asks you to do something seeming impossible, are you going to do it?
Do you know why Moses did that? Well, may be because of his anger, pride ,uncontrolled emotions or lack of faith. Anyway, to hit the rock for water to come out was what Moses experienced before. But, to tell the rock for water to come out seems impossible and Moses did not do it.
If God asks you to do something seeming impossible, are you going to do it?
Give us faith and courage to do those things impossible for us but possible for you, knowing that nothing in you is impossible. 奉主耶穌基督名求, 阿們。
1. Have you made similar fatal mistake before? What is the consequence of your making that mistake?
2. How can you be more courageous to do something impossible when God tells you to do?
1. Have you made similar fatal mistake before? What is the consequence of your making that mistake?
2. How can you be more courageous to do something impossible when God tells you to do?
10,000 Reasons
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