Thursday, July 14, 2011

DAY 132 - Make Every Effort to Build The Work of God (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

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Today's Reading: Romans 14

Please read Romans 14 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method you may click this link directly for the method:Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to worship with us - He Is Lord

Please click this link to read Romans 14:

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall. Romans 14: 19 - 21

What I heard from Jesus today is: Make every effort to build the work of God

This chapter talks about how bad it is for God's people to judge others. We need to make every effort to build the work of God by doing deeds that lead to peace and to mutual edification. Do waste you time to judge people because you are destroying God's work by judging other people.

Moreover, don't do those things that will cause someone to fall. I still remember more than 14 years ago we had a severe disagreement on whether a Christian can play mahjong. One of our lady stopped playing mahjong since that day because I challenged her why she did not dare to ask Jesus for that. She prayed and asked then she had her testimony the next week when we had our Tuesday morning Bible study. She told everybody that Jesus did not tell her whether playing mahjong was right or wrong but Jesus told her that her playing mahjong cause some brothers and sisters fall. So, she decided that she was not playing mahjong again. It was 14 years ago and she still did not play mahjong from that day! The most shocking happened right after she had her testimony. Another lady who attended our Tuesday Bible study and our Sunday worship just for a few weeks told us she decided that Tuesday should be the last day for her to attend any of our group or worship because she was very disappointed to learn that even that lady as a Christian she respected played mahjong. Lot of our people had a new understanding of what why Christians cannot do something that other people think it's alright to do. Paul was talking about similar thing in this chapter. What have you got from Jesus today?

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us not to do those things that you do not want us to do. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Yesterday was our 26th Wedding Anniversary. Ignatius took a wonderful photo for us yesterday in Hong Kong to share our joy of thanking the Lord for our blessed marriage!

Please click this link to worship with us - Lord Have Mercy

The sermon "The power is from within" by Rev. Eric Liddell(Chariots of Fire)

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