**1100 DAYS of prayers now!!!
Please sign up for the new 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!!
Please click link below.
**NEW link for the 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign(from August 25 to December 03, 2012).
The easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week. What you need to do is very simple. Choose one dayThe easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week to pray for me, my family and my ministry, remembering the ministry of ACiC(ACiC has two Networks: ACiC, Anglican Coalition in Canada and AI, Asian Initiative). You may use the whole hour in prayer or you can still do you work in your office but use as much time as you can to pray and the other time work prayerfully that hour to pray for our ministry. This campaign is also to teach you that you need somebody to pray for you daily. I have been prayed for hourly the past 1,100 days and I have never experienced this kind of peace and protection before. It's just beyond words can express. If I did not listen and obey to Jesus call 1,100 days ago to start this prayer movement, I think I would be pulled into darkness and discouragement already! I deeply believe that this is a way to draw as many participation as we can in prayers. I encourage you to participate. We need you to join us! Trust in the power of prayers!
Today's Reading: Matthew 8: 1-13
**For a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.
Please click this link to read Matthew 8: 1-13
Bible Study
After Jesus gave His important message to His disciples through the Sermon on the Mount of a basic understanding of how to change from World-like, Satan-like to Christ-like, He demonstrated His authority and the power of being Christ-like.
Two kinds of healing, one to heal and restore the man with leprosy as a full member of Israel after the official authorization of showing himself to the priest. The other was the faith of a gentile army commander that his servant was being healed by his big faith.
If you were Jesus disciples, what have you seen and experienced? What has that to do with you?
Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"
Spiritual Journal
What I heard from Jesus today is: If you do what Jesus says, then...!
Today Jesus gave me a message I have never thought before. The two miraculous healing all concerns with Jesus authority and power of healing. Jesus demonstrated what He just said and taught in the Sermon on the Mount was in reality so powerful! His disciples could do the same things as Jesus did following His good examples.
So, today I received a call from Jesus for you to go back to the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount and read the whole message at least two times, that is from Matthew chapter 5 to 7. Pray and ask Jesus to help you to live that out. Then, you will know that Jesus can work through you to heal other people from physical and spiritual leprosy and other sickness. You will become a power instrument of Jesus is you can live that lifestyle of Christlikeness as Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount.
Are you going to trust me that the invitation if from Jesus to you today and just do it?
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to spend some time to meditate on the Sermon on the Mount and lead us to live that out. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Father We Love You
Chinese praise song - 上帝聽禱告 God Listen to prayers
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