如果你有 Android cel. 請按此處上載程式,可直接一按收聽最近之十次廣播:
破.立 Break.Build:
1. 停下來. 靜一靜
2. 等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安. 呼出你的憂慮
1. 思想你上星期使你開心歡笑的時刻
2. 為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3. 敞開心懷讚美主
神 啊 , 願 列 邦 稱 讚 你 ! 願 萬 民 都 稱 讚 你 !
地 已 經 出 了 土 產 ; 神 ─ 就 是 我 們 的 神 要 賜 福 與 我 們 。
神 要 賜 福 與 我 們 ; 地 的 四 極 都 要 敬 畏 他 !
地 已 經 出 了 土 產 ; 神 ─ 就 是 我 們 的 神 要 賜 福 與 我 們 。
神 要 賜 福 與 我 們 ; 地 的 四 極 都 要 敬 畏 他 !
1. 求聖靈在你生命中工作
"親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔,
求主幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"
2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:
聆聽主話 (民數記 1:1-2:34)
Chinese (Union):民 數 記 1&version=CUV
1 以 色 列 人 出 埃 及 地 後 , 第 二 年 二 月 初 一 日 , 耶 和 華 在 西 乃 的 曠 野 、 會 幕 中 曉 諭 摩 西 說 :
2 你 要 按 以 色 列 全 會 眾 的 家 室 、 宗 族 、 人 名 的 數 目 計 算 所 有 的 男 丁 。
3 凡 以 色 列 中 , 從 二 十 歲 以 外 , 能 出 去 打 仗 的 , 你 和 亞 倫 要 照 他 們 的 軍 隊 數 點 。
4 每 支 派 中 必 有 一 人 作 本 支 派 的 族 長 , 幫 助 你 們 。
5 他 們 的 名 字 :
2 耶 和 華 曉 諭 摩 西 、 亞 倫 說 :
2 以 色 列 人 要 各 歸 自 己 的 纛 下 , 在 本 族 的 旗 號 那 裡 , 對 著 會 幕 的 四 圍 安 營 。
34 以 色 列 人 就 這 樣 行 , 各 人 照 他 們 的 家 室 、 宗 族 歸 於 本 纛 , 安 營 起 行 , 都 是 照 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 。
民數記 1:1-5; 2:1-2;34
現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可能以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:
After many challenges and training of one year and one month after Exodus, and the willingness to listen and obey those complicated commands and rules in the whole book of Leviticus, the Israelites were ready to enter into a new stage. The stage of truly being God's family and army, at last!
讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導:
At the beginning of Numbers, the Israelites encamped at Mount Sinai are about to resume the biggest move of their lives…The first ten chapters of the book concern preparations for this move…
The story so far has established that the move may involve some battles. They didn't have to fight the Egyptians, and God has said nothing about fighting the Canaanites; God has taken responsibility for seeing the Canaanites off…But Abraham once had to go to battle to rescue Lot when he got taken captive in the context of war, and Moses and Joshua had to lead Israel in defending themselves against the Amalekites on the way from Egypt to Sinai. God sometimes enables the people of God to live in the world on the basis of extraordinary divine interventions but sometimes lets them live in that world on a basis not so different from the one everyone else uses…It won't be surprising if the Israelites need to fight again. So they are going to march as a fighting force.
John Goldingay. Numbers & Deuteronomy for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p.7.
The story so far has established that the move may involve some battles. They didn't have to fight the Egyptians, and God has said nothing about fighting the Canaanites; God has taken responsibility for seeing the Canaanites off…But Abraham once had to go to battle to rescue Lot when he got taken captive in the context of war, and Moses and Joshua had to lead Israel in defending themselves against the Amalekites on the way from Egypt to Sinai. God sometimes enables the people of God to live in the world on the basis of extraordinary divine interventions but sometimes lets them live in that world on a basis not so different from the one everyone else uses…It won't be surprising if the Israelites need to fight again. So they are going to march as a fighting force.
John Goldingay. Numbers & Deuteronomy for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p.7.
Do you know whether you have been prepared like the Israelites and you are in God's family and army? Do you know which banner you belong to?
To me, I belong to the banner of Anglican Mission in the Americas, then Anglican Mission in Canada, then Asian Initiative, then Richmond Emmanuel Church. That's my banner and I fight for God a good fight under this banner to rescue people from the dark world back to God's Kingdom.
How about you? Do you have the obedience as a soldier under the banner God prepares for you?
To me, I belong to the banner of Anglican Mission in the Americas, then Anglican Mission in Canada, then Asian Initiative, then Richmond Emmanuel Church. That's my banner and I fight for God a good fight under this banner to rescue people from the dark world back to God's Kingdom.
How about you? Do you have the obedience as a soldier under the banner God prepares for you?
Help us to know that we belong to your family and army. Open our eyes to know which banner we belong to and faithfully and courageously to fight for you under that banner. 奉主耶穌基督名求, 阿們。省察問題
1. Do you know you are God's family and army? Are you in God's family and army?
2. Do you know which banner you belong to? How well are you willing to listen and obey to the commander of your banner to fight a good fight for God to rescue people from this dark world into God's Kingdom?
10,000 Reasons