如果你有 Android cel. 請按此處上載程式,可直接一按收聽最近之十次廣播:
破.立 Break.Build:
1. 停下來. 靜一靜
2. 等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安. 呼出你的憂慮
1. 思想你最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2. 為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3. 敞開心懷讚美主
你 們 義 人 當 靠 耶 和 華 歡 喜 , 稱 謝 他 可 記 念 的 聖 名 。
詩篇 97:12
1. 求聖靈在你生命中工作
"親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔,
求主幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"
2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:
聆聽主話 (申命記 13:1-5)
Chinese (Union):申 命 記 4&version=CUV
你 們 中 間 若 有 先 知 或 是 做 夢 的 起 來 , 向 你 顯 個 神 蹟 奇 事 ,
2 對 你 說 : 我 們 去 隨 從 你 素 來 所 不 認 識 的 別 神 , 事 奉 他 罷 。 他 所 顯 的 神 蹟 奇 事 雖 有 應 驗 ,
3 你 也 不 可 聽 那 先 知 或 是 那 做 夢 之 人 的 話 ; 因 為 這 是 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的 神 試 驗 你 們 , 要 知 道 你 們 是 盡 心 盡 性 愛 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的 神 不 是 。
4 你 們 要 順 從 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的 神 , 敬 畏 他 , 謹 守 他 的 誡 命 , 聽 從 他 的 話 , 事 奉 他 , 專 靠 他 。
5 那 先 知 或 是 那 做 夢 的 既 用 言 語 叛 逆 那 領 你 們 出 埃 及 地 、 救 贖 你 脫 離 為 奴 之 家 的 耶 和 華 ─ 你 們 的 神 , 要 勾 引 你 離 開 耶 和 華 ─ 你 神 所 吩 咐 你 行 的 道 , 你 便 要 將 他 治 死 。 這 樣 , 就 把 那 惡 從 你 們 中 間 除 掉 。
申命記 13:1-5
現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可能以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:
What was the test you had the last time? May be you are thinking of your last examination in your high school or university ten years, twenty years ago, right?
Now, Moses is talking about God is testing you in all kinds of ways you may not know. The worst situation is that even if you fail the test and you do not know. So, what was the test you had the last time?
What was the test you had the last time? May be you are thinking of your last examination in your high school or university ten years, twenty years ago, right?
Now, Moses is talking about God is testing you in all kinds of ways you may not know. The worst situation is that even if you fail the test and you do not know. So, what was the test you had the last time?
讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導:
I can say that I know a certain student will get an A (or will fail), but it doesn't mean I abandon the test that proves this. As a result of the test, I "know" in a new sense. Deuteronomy presupposes that God lives with Israel in that kind of relationship. God knows Israel will be unfaithful, but until it happens, the knowledge is theoretical. When it happens, that gives God a different kind of knowledge. Thus God sets the test in order to find out, giving Israel opportunity to do what God expects - or not to do so…
Deuteronomy presupposes that bak guys can do miracles, as good guys can; Jesus also assumes this (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus says such people will get excluded from the kingdom of heaven; Deuteronomy says they are to be executed. Like other rules about capital punishment, Israel does not seem to have taken this literally. Its point is more to underline how serious an offence it is. Encouraging people to turn from Yahweh and follow other gods is an evil that must be removed from the people's midst.
John Goldingay. Numbers & Deuteronomy for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p.140-141.
God has been testing you to see if you are being pulled away from God's Kingdom to worship other gods. False prophets, fortune teller, family members, your friends or any kind of wicked people can successfully do this kind of thing without your knowing that you have failed the test. They can pull you out from your own church, your family to follow them. They can pull you away from a lifestyle of Christlikeness to a lifestyle of world-likeness or even Satan-likeness.
So, what is the last time you passed or failed God's test?
I can say that I know a certain student will get an A (or will fail), but it doesn't mean I abandon the test that proves this. As a result of the test, I "know" in a new sense. Deuteronomy presupposes that God lives with Israel in that kind of relationship. God knows Israel will be unfaithful, but until it happens, the knowledge is theoretical. When it happens, that gives God a different kind of knowledge. Thus God sets the test in order to find out, giving Israel opportunity to do what God expects - or not to do so…
Deuteronomy presupposes that bak guys can do miracles, as good guys can; Jesus also assumes this (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus says such people will get excluded from the kingdom of heaven; Deuteronomy says they are to be executed. Like other rules about capital punishment, Israel does not seem to have taken this literally. Its point is more to underline how serious an offence it is. Encouraging people to turn from Yahweh and follow other gods is an evil that must be removed from the people's midst.
God has been testing you to see if you are being pulled away from God's Kingdom to worship other gods. False prophets, fortune teller, family members, your friends or any kind of wicked people can successfully do this kind of thing without your knowing that you have failed the test. They can pull you out from your own church, your family to follow them. They can pull you away from a lifestyle of Christlikeness to a lifestyle of world-likeness or even Satan-likeness.
So, what is the last time you passed or failed God's test?
Help us to know that you have all kinds of tests to find out whether we are faithful or faithless. Lead us to be with you each day that we can pass our net test because we are unable to pass those tests as humans, that' beyond our ability. 奉主耶穌基督名求, 阿們。
1. Do you know what is the last time you passed or failed God's test?
2. How can you prepare yourself to be more alert of your coming tests from God?
1. Do you know what is the last time you passed or failed God's test?
2. How can you prepare yourself to be more alert of your coming tests from God?