Monday, September 14, 2015

OT 第 320天 - 你要神出手, 跟主方法(請按此處收聼廣東話 )

你可到我新的"破. 立 40 日靈修"Blog/Podcast 去做一個栽培師, 幫助一至二位的親友作四十天的"破. 立"靈修, 這正是主耶穌吩咐我有"破。立"的真正原因。你願意嗎?

如果你有 Android cel. 請按此處上載程式,可直接一按收聽最近之十次廣播:
破.立 Break.Build:

1.  停下來. 靜一靜
2.  等候主. 深呼吸經歷主之平安, 感受主的臨在, 呼出你的憂慮

1.  思想最近使你開心歡笑的時刻
2.  為那些時刻及有關的人感恩
3.  敞開心懷讚美主

 我 們 倚 靠 神 才 得 施 展 大 能 , 因 為 踐 踏 我 們 敵 人 的 就 是 他 。

          詩篇 108:13
認罪悔改  (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method 轉位靈修法

1.  求聖靈在你生命中工作
      "親愛的聖靈, 求你光照我心靈的深處, 使我看見我的罪, 我和主耶穌的阻隔, 
        求主幫助, 奉主耶穌基督名求。阿們。"

2. 透過聖靈的工作, 安靜一刻, 省察自己, 之後祈禱:

聆聽主話 (約書亞記 6: 1-5)

耶 利 哥 的 城 門 因 以 色 列 人 就 關 得 嚴 緊 , 無 人 出 入 。
耶 和 華 曉 諭 約 書 亞 說 : 看 哪 , 我 已 經 把 耶 利 哥 和 耶 利 哥 的 王 , 並 大 能 的 勇 士 , 都 交 在 你 手 中 。
你 們 的 一 切 兵 丁 要 圍 繞 這 城 , 一 日 圍 繞 一 次 , 六 日 都 要 這 樣 行 。
七 個 祭 司 要 拿 七 個 羊 角 走 在 約 櫃 前 。 到 第 七 日 , 你 們 要 繞 城 七 次 , 祭 司 也 要 吹 角 。
他 們 吹 的 角 聲 拖 長 , 你 們 聽 見 角 聲 , 眾 百 姓 要 大 聲 呼 喊 , 城 牆 就 必 塌 陷 , 各 人 都 要 往 前 直 上 。

                       約書亞記 6: 1-5

現在讓你有一段安靜的時間, 給聖靈一個空間, 讓主耶穌可能以藉着你剛才讀過的經文, 對你說話:

      What kind of military strategy is that? If you were Joshua, what would you really think? "Oh God, is this a joke?" "Of God, you know even if I believe, my people will kill me. Don't do that to me please! Show me your real plan please!" 

讓我們聽聽 John Goldingay 教授的教導: 
     There was no battle at Jericho. If anyone fought at Jericho, as at the Reed Sea, it was not the Israelites but God. The Israelites simply process, blow horns, and shout loudly…
     The presence of the covenant chest signifies God's presence. When the Israelites made their ill-fated attempt to conquer Canaan under their own steam, there was a link between their failure and their not taking the chest with them (Numbers 14:44). Yet on a later occasion they took it with them on another ill-fated expedition  and this didn't work (1 Samuel 4). If the project is God's, the chest as the symbol of their covenant relationship with God will be an effective sign of God's presence.  

John Goldingay. Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011, p.27.

     In July 2004, I received a message from our Lord Jesus Christ that we needed a 100 days 6a.m. Eucharist and prayer walk so that God will act in a special way for us to have a new worship place. We called the prayer walk  "Operation Jericho"(We were called to have "Operation Jericho" prayer walk one to two times every year since 1997).
    We had a place which is the place we are now worshiping since November 2004. When we started the Operation Jericho that was an empty place. World Harvest Church moved out a few months ago. We did not have the money to rent that 24,500 sq. ft. place nor our people have the faith to make that decision. Because it was a raise from $5,000 monthly rental to $15,000 monthly rental.

    We did have 100 days of Eucharist and prayer walk and I preached 99 homily on that 100 days! 

    Praise the Lord, we did not do anything but just listen and obey. We had a 100% vote to rent this place on the 35 days of our prayer walk and we had our first service on the 96 days of our prayer walk. Praise the Lord that we have been in this building since November 2004. 

    The Lord gave another impossible call to us in July 2013 that we asked our people to pray for a piece of 2 acres land with 2.5 million dollars purchasing price and that we can build a church accommodate 300 people and having 200 car parks. We fasted and prayed for two months. There is a piece of land exactly like the vision we got. The only thing is that we just had 300K, 2.2 million dollars short. We had a Vestry and had 98% saying YES to this impossible project. Praise the Lord, we received a total of 2.5 million dollars into our Development Fund in May this year and we are making an offer in two weeks time. Could you pray for us so that if that is God's will and God's act we can buy this piece of land please?

    What I have shared is our story. The love story of Richmond Emmanuel Church. What we have learned from so many hard and difficult lessons is that we need to do everything in Jesus way, even though the way He called us to do doesn't make sense. 

    When God act in Moses and Joshua's time, it doesn't make sense!

    When God act in Early Church's time, it doesn't make sense!

    You do it Jesus Way, if you are to see God act!

Help us to do everything your way and have that daily intimate relationship with you so that we know the commands are from you. 奉主耶穌基督名求, 阿們。

1. Are you doing things in Jesus way lately? Do you know what Jesus wants to tell you? How are you so sure? What kind of fruits have you experienced and received to prove that is really from Jesus?

2. What have you got from Jesus today?

詩篇 104:10-18
以賽亞書15:1 - 18:7
加拉太書 1:1-24
箴言 23:6-8





10,000 Reasons

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