Monday, February 4, 2013

DAY 301 - The Boundary-Breaking Call of Jesus! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Today's Reading: Luke 10: 38-42

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Please click this link to read Luke 10: 38-42

Bible Study

     Today's passage seems a quite short and simple one on Martha and Mary. Most Christians know it well that it is about how we set our priority right. But, wow, Bishop N.T. Wright gives us a shock today! He says:
     The real problem was that Mary was behaving as if she were a man.  In that culture, as in many parts of the world to this day, houses were divided into male 'space' and female 'space', and male and female roles were strictly demarcated as well.  Mary had crossed an invisible but very important boundary within the house, and another equally important boundary within the social world...
     It is about the boundary-breaking call of Jesus.  As he goes up to Jerusalem, he leaves behind him towns, villages, households and individuals who have glimpsed a new vision of the kingdom, and for whom life will never be the same again.  God grant that as we read his story the same will be true for us.

     Thanks to Bishop Wright understanding of this passage giving us some new insights.  Are you ready and willing to let Jesus to break your boundaries so that His Kingdom may be extended?

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"

Spiritual Journal

     What I heard from Jesus today is: The boundary-breaking call of Jesus!

     What I received from Jesus today is so important.  To be as close as we can to Jesus and to let other people to be as close as they can to Jesus, we need to break quite a number of boundaries. 

     Jesus has been calling me to break so many boundaries the past few years that some people think that I should take the word "Anglican" out from the name of Richmond Emmanuel Church. If so, then Holy Trinity Brompton, the head-quarter of Alpha Course, and many good renewed Anglican churches should bot be called Anglican churches! It's so funny!

     See the fruit of our being able to listen to the call of Jesus to break the boundaries of Anglican tradition that many people can come closer and closer to Jesus. 

     Today, the Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Hong Kong came to our Sunday service. He told our people that Richmond Emmanuel Church has been doing a very good job in renewing the Anglican tradition and let our church to be a lively church just like Holy Trinity Brompton! I am so thankful for Rev. Dr. H. T. Chan's encouragement and confirmation to the hard work of our true liturgical renewal. 

     True and boundary-breaking liturgy leads us closer and closer to God!
     Are you willing to step into the boundary-breaking call of Jesus? Do you feel that you are more and more closer to God because you are willing to break those boundaries Jesus calls you to break? 

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for calling us to listen to your call to enter into your boundary-breaking ministries. Lead us to be courageous to follow your good example to break more boundaries that your Kingdom will be enhanced and extended.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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Here I Am Lord, Send Me

Chinese praise song - 請差遣我 Here I Am Lord, Send Me

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