Today's Reading: Luke 13: 1-9
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Please click this link to read Luke 13: 1-9
Bible Study
Today's passage gives us the last warning to the Israel as a nation from Jesus. N.T. Wright says:
Pilate has killed Galilean pilgrims in Jerusalem; but they were no more sinful than any other Galilean pilgrims. Rather- and he is about to repeat the point - unless you repent, you will all be destroyed the same way.
The same way? That's the key. Jesus isn't talking about what happens to people after they die...In line with the warnings he has issued several times already, and will continue to issue right up to his own crucifixion, Jesus is making it clear that those who refuse his summons to change direction,to abandon the crazy flight into national rebellion against Rome, will suffer the consequences. Those who take the sword will perish with the sword.
Two thousands years ago there was political rebellion stirred up from the Jews to the Romans that caused the total destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Two thousands years later there are all kinds of rebellion using religion as an excuse to bring destruction to many nations. And, there are rebellion inside the Church to stir up separation and division to various camps. Well, those who do not repent will at last eat their own fruit. Those who take the sword will perish with the sword! Love, unity, appreciation, co-operation and build is the way and hatred, dissension, accusation, rebellion and destruction is not to be allowed by the Lord and would be cut down like the fig tree!
Choose wisely!
Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"
Spiritual Journal
What I heard from Jesus today is:Don't miss your last chance!
What I received from Jesus today is the word Jesus said to the Israelites two thousand years ago but they did not listen. They died, perished and Jerusalem was destroyed!
How much have we received this warning so that we would not be destroyed in the same way? How well can we let Jesus to work through us to be a bridge, a channel and his messenger(angel) to help more people to change their life to be more like Christ and be more and more fruitful?
We'll never know when is the last chance! Don't miss your last chance like the Jews missed their last chance in today's passage!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be willing to repent that we can be more like you and be really fruitful. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
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