Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DAY 316 - Do You Understand The Seriousness of The Call to Follow Jesus? (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Today's Reading: Luke 14: 25-35

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Please click this link to read Luke 14: 25-35

Bible Study

     This passage has the similar message as the one in Matthew 10:32-42 which I wrote yesterday in my Devotion on Fire 2 blog: http://bishopsilas2.blogspot.ca/ .

     It's all about if we as Jesus disciples and His workers understand the seriousness of the call to follow him. N.T. Wright says:
     Jesus is not denying the importance of close family, and the propriety of living in supportive harmony with them.  But when there is an urgent task to be done, as there now is, then everything else, including one's own life, must be put at risk for the sake of the kingdom.
     The same is true of possessions.  Many of Jesus' followers, then and now, have owned houses and lands, and have not felt compelled to abandon them.  But being prepared to do so is the sign that one has understood the seriousness of the call to follow Jesus.  Any of us, at any time, might be summoned to give up everything quite literally and respond to a new emergency situation.  If we're not ready for that, we are like the tower-builder or warmonger who haven't thought through what they are really about.

     So, do you understand the seriousness of the call to follow Jesus? How much have you given up already in order to follow Him? How much is He calling you to give up in order to follow Him recently?  

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"

Spiritual Journal

     What I heard from Jesus today is: Do you understand the seriousness of the call to follow Jesus?

     What I received from Jesus today is a question that most Christians will say YES but again in fact most Christians will say NO when challenges come. To give and take is always a life-long question for a human being to tackle with. I have seen too many Christians making the wrong choice when the challenge comes. We usually do not choose Jesus but other people or other things! That is the reality!

     So, please use some time to think that if you really understand the seriousness of the call to follow Jesus? What is the one thing that Jesus is calling you to give up but you grasp it so tight? If you don't let go, then you really can't follow Jesus! And, according to what Jesus says in this passage, we are the salt which loses its saltiness and it is useless! We are useless! How sad and what a waste!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be able to let go those things you want us to let go in order to follow you in a real sense.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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Shine Jesus Shine

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Stream of Praise 美之泉

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