This blog is to help you to have a daily intimate relationship with Jesus Christ that you can experience Jesus is your Lord and Saviour. 這博客幫助你和主耶穌每天都能有一個親蜜的關係,經歷他是你的救主和生命之主。
歡迎歸家! Welcome HOME!
今日博客的錄影: 以下是今天 11/10 日的早堂 8am 崇拜錄影的連結傳發給大家, 好讓你們安坐家中亦可隨時收看,或傳給其他親友: Nicky Gumbel 牧師今日靈修博...
*If this is your first time to have daily devotion or you have not had daily devotion for a long time, I suggest you to use this link for a...
今日博客的錄影: Nicky Gumbel 牧師今日靈修博客:
Video Recording of Archbishop Melter: MISSION 113 - Bringing Part 1 請登入下列網頁報名: "Connecting Work...