Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DAY 106- To Believe Or to Reject, That Is The Question! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Today's Reading: John 10: 31-42

**For a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf.

Please click this link to read John 10: 31-42

Bible Study

Jesus says, "Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father." Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp. John 10: 37-39

In the last passage, Jesus talks about His sheep listen to His voice, have a personal relationship with Him and are willing to follow Him. Here in this passage we come across those people who do not want to listen to His voice, do not have a personal relationship with Him and do not want to follow him but who want to stone Him and to accuse Him of blasphemy! What a difference!

How well do you believe in Jesus and not rejecting His voice and calling?
How well do you believe in those who are sent by God to take care of you and be willing to follow them? How well can you discern who to listen to and follow? Do you think you are one of those who reject God's servants?

Have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"

Spiritual Journal

What I heard from Jesus today is: To believe or to reject, that is the question!

This passage gives me lots of memories because in the 24 years of my priestly ministry I have experienced quite a lot of rejection and accusation. Sometimes to a point that I question myself am I sent by God if not for God's numerous confirmation that I am sent and anointed by Him.

It's so easy to reject, accuse or even stone a servant of God! But, it's hard work to build up trusting relationship with God's servants. To pull apart a relationship is always so easy but to build up a relationship is so difficult!

That's what I heard from Jesus today and that's what Jesus wants me to remind you today. Cherish every single moment to build up relationship with Jesus and His servants and watch out if you want to pull apart relationship that you have built up for a long time. Remember, Satan comes in to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus comes in so that you may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10: 10)

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to build up trusting relationship with you and your servants that we won't become Satan's agent to pull apart those relationships. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us -
Draw Me Close to You

Chinese praise song - 足印 Footprint

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