New 100 Days Prayer Campaign (2014.04.09-2014.07.17)
What you need to do is very simple. Choose one hour slot for the whole week to pray for Michelle, our family and my ministry. You may use the whole hour in prayer or you can still do you work in your office but use as much time as you can to pray and the other time work prayerfully that hour to pray for us. I encourage you to participate. We need you to join us! Trust in the power of prayers!
This blog/podcast has people from 111 countries visiting and more than 1/2 million visits.
Want to know why I have been writing and recording my blogs and podcast daily since August 10, 2009? Click these three links:
Confirmation from John Stott in 2009:
My MicroMacro Discipleship, A missing DNA in Discipleship Development:
Subject Shifting Devotion Method(Inspired by John Stott in 1991:
Today's Reading: Hebrews 5:11-14
** If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from my Devotion on Fire blog:
To use this simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link: