Sunday, June 9, 2013

DAY 386 - Discipler to Mentor - Ananias to Barnabas (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

Thanks for your response!!! Still have lots of empty space, waiting for you to believe in the urgency to pray for me, my family and the Kingdom ministries the Lord appoints me to do.
It's been 1400 DAYS of prayers that I have been covered and protected, but not now! The list is almost empty!
Please sign up for the new 14th 100 days 24/7 prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!!
Please click link below.

**NEW link for the  14th: 13th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (We are going to use this 13th list leads up to the 14th. 13th from March 15 to June 22, 2013. 14th from June 22 to August 31, 2013)

This is the message from Kenny at 1:30p.m.yesterday(June 8 Saturday): 
Leslie is more stable and active now though he still got the pain after the surgery.  Doctors have given him some medication for that already. Other than that everything seems OK.  They are putting him to sit more and legs excise for his rehabilitation. 
Let's pray on until Leslie is completely recovered.

Today's Reading: Acts 9:19-31

** If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from my Devotion on Fire blog:

To use this simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link:

Please click this link to read Acts 9:19-31

Bible Study

      This passage shows how Saul being transformed, trained, equipped and anointed in a very special way. The period from verse 19 to verse 23 should be three years.

     What happened to Saul that he could changed from the most powerful persecutor to Jesus' followers to the most powerful evangelist for Jesus? What we read here is his staying with the disciples in Damascus, may or may not include Ananias. So, he got quite some disciplers. Then, according to Galatians 1: 17-18 he went to Arabia, there he should have a very close relationship with the Lord. Then we can see how the Lord prepared a mentor for him, Barnabas. Yes, Barnabas mentored Saul and got him connected with the apostles. Then a key word appeared in verse 30 - "Sent".

     Paul was being sent off to Tarsus. And from there as recorded in Acts 13 Saul later became Paul.

     What have you got from Saul's spiritual journey of transformation? How could that relate to your spiritual journey? How do you allow those disciplers and mentors that the Lord prepared for you to do their work so that you can become a faithful disciple of Jesus just like Ananias, Barnabas and Paul?  
Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe"

Spiritual Journal

     What I heard from Jesus today is: Discipler to mentor - Ananias to Barnabas

    What I got from Jesus is an invitation to you to become an anointed discipler and mentor for His Kingdom ministry. A discipler's job is to help people to start their baby walk, first few steps in their spiritual life. Mainly helping and being with one or two people to build up a lifestyle of daily devotion, a daily intimate personal relationship with Jesus. Just like what Ananias did.

    A mentor's job is to help a Christian to become a mature Christian, then a discipler, an evangelist, a mentor and perhaps a church-planter.

    I was invited by Alpha Canada yesterday morning to be one of the speakers in their Jump Start at Glad Tidings Church to share my personal stories and experience of how the Lord uses Alpha Course to bring transformation in the past 13 years since Richmond Emmanuel Church started Alpha in November 1999. Before that, the first 3 1/2 years REC baptized just 29 adults and 10 children. After we started Alpha Course church-wide and in small groups we have baptized 323 adults and 129 children. 90% of our baptized attended Alpha. Our Sunday worship attendance grow from around 100 to 400. With the resource of REC, we planted three churches the past four years. 

    Is that good? Well, I don't think so. We can do far more better if we have more Ananias and Barnabas! Are you willing to become Ananias and Barnabas? 

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be willing to follow Ananias and Barnabas good examples to help more Christians to be transformed into your likeness that we can be sent out by you as Ananias and Barnabas to extend your mighty Kingdom.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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Please click this link to worship with us - 
Happy Day (Tim Hughes)

Chinese praise song - 
因主的名 Because of your Name

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You may choose to follow my other daily blog: 
Devotion on Fire 2(One year New Testament):
Devotion on Fire(A 3 years and 3 months plan, one chapter a day to finish reading the whole Bible):
Break.Build(A 40 days daily devotion- First Baby Step for new Christians):

Bible in One Year blog by Rev. Nicky Gumbel


  楊平忠大主教領受 "使命113"異象之見證 Archbishop Yong’s MISSION 113 videos, October 16, 2022: