Thursday, October 10, 2013

DAY 509 - Jesus Is Lord! Foolish?! (請按此處收聼廣東話Cantonese podcast click here)

**NEW link for the  15th: 13th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (We are going to use this 13th list leads up to the 15th. 13th from March 15 to June 22, 2013. 14th from June 22 to August 31, 2013, 15th from Sept. 1, 2013 to Dec. 9. 2013)

                               Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

** If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from my Devotion on Fire blog:
To use this simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please click this link:
 .Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf

Please click this link to read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Chinese:歌 林 多 前 書 1&version=CUV 

Bible Study

      Paul gives the Corinthians a true picture of what is the Good News in the midst of their searching of power and prestige: The Cross

      When the Corinthians tells people that we are following the most powerful and prestigious leader, Paul says, "No, it is the Cross."  
      When the Corinthians tells people that they are a wiser team and perhaps the best team ever, Paul says, "No, it is the Cross." 
      When the Corinthians tells people that they are following King Jesus to have a big win and big gain, Paul says, "No, it is the Cross."

Bishop N.T. Wright's says ( ) :
     The Christians good news is all about God dying on a rubbish-heap at the wrong end of the Empire.  It's all about God babbling nonsense to a room full of philosophers.  It's all about the true God confronting the world of posturing, power and prestige, and overthrowing it in order to set up his own kingdom, a kingdom in which the weak and the foolish find themselves just as welcome as the strong and the wise, if not more so...
     Live change.  Human hearts change.  Situations change.  New communities come into being, consisting of people grasped by the message, believing it's true despite everything, falling in love with the God they find to be alive in this Jesus, giving Jesus their supreme loyalty.  That is the evidence Paul has in mind. 'To us who are being saved, it is God's power.'  That is as true in the twenty-first century as it was in the first - however much people today, exactly as in Paul's day, defend their own power and prestige by declaring that it's all folly. 

N.T. Wright. Paul for Everyone:1 Corinthians. Louisville,KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004, p.8.

     So, what is in your mind now? Do you want Jesus to give you power and prestige, or the Cross? Are you going to say to Jesus, "What? Am I a fool. You give me the Cross and not what I want?" What do you want from Jesus actually? 

Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passage of scripture we have just read. Offer this time up to Jesus as you listen to him, while listening to "Gabriel's Oboe":

Spiritual Journal

    What I heard from Jesus today is: Jesus is Lord! Foolish?!

    What I got from Jesus today is something most Christians do not think they belong to but in fact they belong. Lots of Christians and leaders defend their own power and prestige by declaring through their characters and lifestyle that to give and to die like Jesus on the Cross is folly.

     We know so well that the whole Christianity can be described by only three words: Jesus is Lord. And yet, it is so difficult to have Jesus as Lord. To have Jesus as Lord, you can not pursue for power and prestige like the Corinthians did, and perhaps many Christians for centuries. Money, Power and Sex are always the three main areas Satan attacks. Money has been lording so many people. Power has been lording so many leaders and sex has been lording so many lost souls. How can Jesus is Lord happens in one's life if we have other lords? 

     The Cross is our only hope. If we are willing to let Jesus to be our Lord, He will lead us to die on those sins just like how He died on the Cross. Each time we say to Satan, "Money, No!" "Power, No!" "Sex not in marriage, No!", we die on our Cross. And, we become a better and faithful disciple of Jesus!

     Jesus is Lord! That's the key! That's the power! That's the true wisdom! 

Dear Lord Jesus,
Lead us to be willing to follow you as our Lord.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us -

寶貴十架 (讚美之泉) Precious Cross

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Matt Redman

You may choose to follow my other daily blog: 
Daily Devotion on Fire 2(2 years plan -One year New Testament, one year Old Testament):

Daily Devotion on Fire (3 years and 3 months plan, one chapter a day to finish reading the whole Bible):

Break.Build (40 days daily devotion- First Baby Step for new Christians):

Emmanuel330 (40 weeks First Step Bible Study): 


  今日博客的錄影: Nicky Gumbel  牧師今日靈修博客: Nicky G...